Chapter Five: Ceremony of Knighthood

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Explanations to Aunt Pan were never fun, but she'd managed to make them. Then she'd spent a restless night counting the hours to Estela's knighting. Now, at last, it had arrived.

Within the high-ceilinged throne room, Estela kneeled before Steward Benarus. She wore a beautiful blue cloak around her, far better than her ragged old one. Her armor was repaired and polished, and her dark hair was carefully combed. Relma had never seen anyone look so elegant, she thought to herself. Estela looked like something out of the stained windows all around them. Fit to be displayed in one of the scenes of courage above. Perhaps she would be on one of them someday.

It was both inspiring and a little scary. And, well, Estela was wonderful...

"Squire Estela, do you swear to defend the will of Elranor with your shield?" asked Benarus. "That you will act with charity and mercy and defend the innocent from the arrows of hell."

"I swear," said Estela, face downturned.

"Do you swear that your sword will be used only against the wicked and the enemies of Harlenor?" asked Benarus. "You will dispense justice with a fair hand and strike only with need."

"I swear," said Estela.

"Do you swear to seek perfection in all things and give up your life in pursuit of His will, should he so command it?" asked Benarus.

"I swear," said Estela.

Benarus drew the sword and tapped it once on each of Estela's shoulders. "Then rise a knight, Lady Estela."

Clapping began in unison as Estela turned to regard the people. Relma was not among the nobility. She had a place on the sidelines with the less important people. Although news of the Heir of Kings had spread far and wide. Public opinion was undecided as to their nature. Later a feast began to celebrate the event. Relma was not one of those attending, at least as a guest. She and the other squires and pages, those that were left, were on serving duty. They were meant to do their job and fade into the background.

Relma preferred this. Ever since eating that meat, she'd felt a bit sick. Well, a bit was an understatement. She'd been throwing up for several days. And even now, she was feeling a bit queasy. Eating this rich food was not something she would have wanted to do.

There were all kinds of foods—some of them from foreign lands. A curry had been brought in from the far east, beyond Calisha, in a place called Dinis. Or, at any rate, that was where the recipe had come from; apparently, alterations had been made. The spices were costly.

Benarus was putting a great deal into this ceremony, wasn't he?

"I wish Ronald were here," she said.

"Why?" asked Ajax's voice behind her. "So, he could set the place on fire?"

Relma looked up to see him in the shadows. Ajax had yet to, technically, be invited. But since he lived at the castle and was the son of a powerful lord, he felt slighted. So Relma didn't blame him for showing up anyway, as long as he didn't make a scene.

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