Chapter Eleven: Contest of Wills

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Hours later, an arrow shot straight and true from a singing bow. It plunged into the red on the target, and the crowds cheered. None of the other members of the competition had done nearly so well. Estela smiled triumphantly.

"Estela is doing well in the contest, isn't she?" said Ronald as another contestant was disqualified.

"She's gotten similar points to elven champions," said Relma, feeling awed despite herself.

On and on the cheers went. This was the first time in decades that anyone had beaten the elves at their own game. Andoa II legalizing the participation of elves had seen them dominating the sport. Now, a human was in the last three.

"The crowd certainly seems to like her," said Relma. Then she looked to Garrick Estov. He was now one of two remaining rivals. Every shot Estela had taken had been in the red. The same was true of Garrick.

So it was no surprise when the other elf, a high elf named Everest, was finally defeated. He'd been dispatched by Queen Dawn and had dominated before now. Relma felt sorry for him as he walked off the field. But she knew she shouldn't; not everyone could win.

But she did.

At least Everest would be getting a third-place prize.

"Who is that anyway?" asked Ronald, pointing to Garrick. He'd gotten in late, just in time for the finals.

"That one?" asked Relma. "His name is Garrick. He was in the tournament stands."

"Why didn't I see him then?" asked Relma.

"Dust Elves are very good at remaining unseen," said Aunt Pan, who was sitting a bit away. She was knitting, pausing only every now and then to look up. "It's their great virtue."

"So this Garrick, is he any good?" asked Ronald. "At sword fighting, I mean."

"Well, he wields a sword as large as he is tall," said Aunt Pan. "I have not seen him in action. However, I am told he is a mercenary of some renown in Sorn. Of course, he isn't a knight, although he is a member of an order of knights. However, knighthood doesn't exist in Sorn.

"It's complicated."

Relma blinked. "Now, hang on a moment; I had to." She paused. "I mean, if a human or halfling who wasn't a knight wanted to get in, they would have to get a magical disguise or something. So why should this Garrick be able to enter?"

Aunt Pan shrugged. "Dust Elves don't have a feudal system. They are a meritocracy. However, they pay for it with cutthroat politics.

"Since they don't have knights, there is an honorary system so they can be represented."

"Honorary system?" asked Relma.

"Sir Frederick says the Dust Elven communities are given special rules. They elect someone to represent them in tournaments," said Ronald. "As long as they have proof that they are such a representative, they can get in."

"Why not just tell them to knight somebody and follow the rules," muttered Relma.

"Does that not also apply to you?" asked Aunt Pan.

Relma paused. "Oh. Um... a good point. Actually, uh, Estela and Edward De Cathe saw right through my disguise. There might be some weakness to people I know."

"Don't be foolish," said Aunt Pan. "I didn't bother casting a spell."

Relma blinked. "Why not?"

"Never use magic when a proper conversation will do, dear," said Aunt Pan. "I simply went to Steward Benarus and explained the situation. I then talked to Edward De Cathe and Estela, who I knew would be joining, and told them not to make a scene.

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