{34} $20 Please

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Chapter 34:

Alison's POV

I stood there as Emily ran out of the grille, "Can we go?" I asked Maya, as I tugged onto my coat.

Maya nodded "Sure. Guys, I'm gonna drive Ali back to Ravenswood. K?" Maya informed them.

Aria nodded "Yeah. We'll see you guys tomorrow." Aria said as she stood up as well.

"And I'll make sure Em's okay." Spencer said fixing her jacket, we all nodded and Spencer ran out of the grille and to the direction Emily ran.

Maya drove me back to my condo in Ravenswood, we went inside and sat back onto the couch.

"Well the grille was interesting." I said laying on the couch.

Maya nodded "I believe you owe me a $20." She smiled sticking out her hand.

I smirked "You only kissed me because you wanted to win the bet?" I asked while going through my wallet to check for a $20.

Maya smirked and leaned in "No." She shook her head, and gently took the $20 out my hands and pressed her lips onto mine.

I hesitated for a moment and then responded, we made out for about 10 minutes. I broke away "Wait." I said breathily.

Maya nodded "Yeah, I get it. I've been waiting half a year to kiss you, I can wait a bit longer." Maya said and kissed my forehead.

"I got to go though, text me if you need me." Maya said getting up and opening the door.

I nodded and waved goodbye. After Maya left I got ready for bed, I changed to my pajamas and jumped into my bed. I grabbed my phone to check for some notifications, but nothing.

I expected some heartfelt message or a long list of missed calls from Emily, but nothing in the message or phone icon. I went to my photos where there was loads of pictures of Emily and I.

I clicked on the most recent one, where Emily came back and we were all in Spencer's kitchen, Hanna or Aria must've took it, because the picture seemed to be captured secretly.

In the picture I was sitting down on a stool in Spencer's kitchen and Emily was behind me wrapping her arms around me and interlocking our fingers.

I looked at the picture for so long and I felt pain and anger, I threw the phone across my room and screamed, tears running down my face.

I laid back on my pillow "Why Emily? Why did you do this to me?" I asked as if someone could hear me.

Spencer's POV

"Emily! Wait!" I called out running after Emily, who was walking really fast towards her car.

She stopped and turned around "What is it Spencer? I said I didn't need you to bring me home! I can drive my own damn car perfectly fine!" Emily said angrily.

I nodded "I know, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I said stepping closer to Em to give her unbalance posture some guidance.

Emily shook me off "Do you think I'll be fine after witnessing that!" Emily said pointing at the direction of the grille.

"Maya kissed Alison! And what did Alison do? She kissed back! She fucking kissed back!" Emily said crying and lowering down onto the ground, now sitting on the curb of the sidewalk.

I sat down next to Emily and offering my shoulder to her, Em rested her head onto my shoulder.

"It's okay, you guys love each other! Nothing is gonna change that." I said trying to give her support.

Emily shook her head, "I don't think things will ever be the same. I didn't keep our promise but she did. And now she's probably moving on with Maya." Emily said crying.

I rubbed her back, "Well you could ask her about that." I said not sure if I should tell Emily where Ali is.

Emily sat up, "How?", and at that moment I knew what I had to do.

"You remember her old condo in Ravenswood? She's there." I said standing up.

Emily nodded and ran to her car. "Are you sober enough to drive?" I yelled out, a bit worried about Emily's safety.

Emily turned around and yelled "Yeah, and thanks Spence." Emily said before jumping into her car and turning on her engine.

I smiled as Emily drives off, "Fix this Em." I said with hope, as I walked down towards my own car.

Emily's POV

I drove all the way to Ravenswood, until I saw Ali's old condo. I parked my car and walked up the stairs and before knocking I heard crying.

I pressed my ear against the door, Ali was crying and then I heard a thud, I panicked.

I was just about to knock but Ali's scream stopped me and I heard Ali yell out "Why Emily! Why did you do this to me."

That stopped me as I fell onto my knees, with my back against the door, I started to cry again. I cried so loud I heard something, movement.

I stood up and just before as I was making a step to leave the door swung open.

"What are you doing here?" Ali asked sniffling her nose, eyes red and puffed.

I looked at her "Have you been crying?" I asked her as if I didn't already know.

Ali shook her head trying to hide her face "No...I was just...wait how long have you been sitting out here?" Ali asked, changing the subject towards me.

"I don't know, a while." I replied, as I dropped my gaze onto the floor.

Ali's face panicked "Did you hear--"

I nodded my head, confirming what she suspected. Ali's face dropped "Oh" Ali said now embarrassed.

I looked at her but she was trying to avoid eye contact.

"Hey, look I'm sorry about everything." I said trying to apologize.

Ali lifted her hand to make me stop, and she shook her head "No. Don't do this to me now. I need time." Ali said.

I nodded "Yeah, of course! And I'll give you that time. But I just want to remind you that I love you. And if it's gonna take you days, weeks, months, hell even years to forgive me? Then that's okay, because I'll always be here for you, to help you, guide you, to love you." I said heartfelt.

Ali nodded "I just need time." Ali replied "Goodnight Emily."

I stepped back so she could close the door, "Goodnight Alison." I said before she fully shut the door.

I sighed "Time. All she needs is time." I said to myself trying not to break into tears again.

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