{24} The Break-Up

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Chapter 24:

Sydney's POV

As Alison and I were walking outside to talk in private, I thought of how Emily might feel once I expose to Alison about how she cheated on various occasions; twice with a chick she met at a bar, three times with another swimmer, and once with me. I shake my head at the thought of how I promised Emily that I wouldn't tell, how much she has opened up to me over the months, how close we've gotten, however, it's common sense to believe that Emily and Alison belong together and I do, even with all the shit that she's done to me.

But most importantly I don't think Emily seems to remember any of it besides our time together which means she can't be honest to Alison over what happened while she was gone.

She deserves to know.

"Alright, now what's this about?" Alison starts with as she crosses her arms, I look at her and sigh.

"Look, I'm sorry that I was acting all crazy back at the school. I just wanted to make sure Emily doesn't do anything stupid..." I slowly to let out, Alison looks at me with anger and confusion in her eyes and huffs at me.

"So being with me is stupid?" I quickly shake my head in disagreement to her sudden assumption.

"No, I just want Emily to be able to tell you the truth about when you were gone before you guys decide to actually come together again." I swiftly explain as I notice Alison calming herself down while she looks at me with curiosity now.

"What do you mean the truth? She's told me everything already that she only hooked up with you once. That's it...right?" she asks for confirmation as I sigh and nod before confessing.

"Yes, we did only hook up once...but she also got drunk and hooked up with others." Silence fills the air as Alison shakes her head.

"That's not true. I trust Emily, she would of have told me if there were others."

"Alison, please I'm telling you the truth-"

"Oh please, you were just crying over Emily back at the pool. How do I know you're not just spreading lies to break us apart?" Alison kinks an eyebrow as she questions my sudden explanation.

I look at her with sad eyes, sighing as I pull out my phone. I swipe through my pictures until I was met with the certain photo of Emily, drunk and making out with a girl at one of the bars near Rosewood. I clear my throat before showing Alison, she takes a second to embrace the photo as slowly I step forward to see her reaction. As expected, Alison's eyes soon tears up as she walks into my embrace. I gently wrap my arms around her, shushing her to calm down while I rub her back softly.

"She loves you, she really does and I'm sorry you had to find out this way but if you didn't hear it from me, I don't think you would've ever found out." I say quietly as I continue to rub her back, Alison shakes her head before she backs away and looks up.

"Is it true?"

I turn around once I realize Alison wasn't talking to me anymore and I come to find Emily standing in front of us, mouth open slightly with her eyes glaring right into my soul. I gulp deeply, now afraid of what may happen next.

Alison's POV

"Is it true? Answer me!" I yell even louder at Emily as she looks at Sydney, who was slowly backing away and leaving from the situation. Once Sydney was out of sight, she looks back at me before responding. 

"Look, I don't remember any of it. It didn't mean anything! I just got drunk and may have gotten various mis slips while you were gone." Emily explains while stepping forward towards me. I put my arm in front of us to keep distance, already knowing that Emily was attempting to sway me away from the conversation. 

"Maybe it's a sign then...maybe we're not suppose to be together." I confess shamelessly as I look right into Emily's eyes which were full of pain and dread as the words fully process in her mind.

"What? No, we are! I just made a few mistakes and I'm so sorry!" Emily exclaims while grabbing my arms and pulling me into a desperate hug before continuing.

"Please, forgive me...I love you so much." she whispers into my ear, I pull away from the hug and hold her hands in mine as I look at her eyes.

"You're leaving for Texas in a week so we might as well just break up now rather than later honestly." I explain slowly, regretting all the words coming out my mouth. 

"If we're truly meant to be together then we will..." I sniffle out as I see Emily begging me with her eyes not to continue, but I do.

"...but when the time's right." I firmly state as I raise my hand to hold Emily's face.

"But I love you...so much" Emily says with sadness in her eyes, I sadly smile while I rub her cheek with my thumb. 

"And I love you...forever."

"Forever." Emily sniffles out with a sad smile as she comes to accept my decision. I nod once more before leaning forwards and kissing her forehead, delicately. Moments later, Emily's phone buzzes in her pocket, she wipes away the tears from her eyes as she pulls it out and examines her phone.

"It's my mom, she needs help packing. I got to go." Emily says as she puts her phone back in her pocket while I nod once more.

"Okay." I say as I pull away and look into her chocolate orbs. Emily looks at me and pulls me back in once more as she kisses the top of my head while reluctantly releasing me shortly after. I smile at her as we separate our hands and she turns to head towards the direction of her house.

Emily's POV

Once I reach my house, I help my mom pack most of our things within 2 hours. Tired and heartbroken, I drag myself upstairs to my room, shut the door and sit on my bed as I shake my head, trying to erase all the shit that happened tonight. My mind soon begin to drift over the memories of Alison and I as I quickly jump off my bed, walk over to my desk and pull open my desktop drawer where I found my box labeled 'Ali'.

I glance at it with painful eyes before I finally build up enough courage to open the box that sits on top of my lap. I look into the box that was full of items that reminded myself about Alison; a little Eiffel Tower keychain, the postcard that she gave me, my Emily bracelet, the snow globe, my letter, a picture with just the two of us that Ali gave to me, and the book "Great Expectations".

I stare at the items as I thought about all the memories we had before any of the dating shit happened, I take out my phone and open Ali's contact. As I hover my finger over the call button and resist the urge from calling and fighting for our relationship, I soon realize everything she said about us actually made sense.

Of course, I didn't want to believe that we were no longer each other's but I have to face facts; I'm moving to Texas and Alison's staying here.

I wipe away my tears as I reread a very certain page from our book, "Great Expectations". I read aloud the page over and over until I couldn't hold back the remaining tears in my eyes that slowly came running down my cheeks.

I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be..

After the 'nth time reading aloud the same line, I swiftly shut the book and stash my 'Ali' box into my bag before running out to my car and driving away. I soon find myself driving all the way to Alison's house.

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