Feature Article: "You are Unique In Your Own Way" (Multiple Intelligence)

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Every one of us will always go through a time in our lives where we usually doubt ourselves. Especially when failure barges in. How we think that I can't do this or how we think that I am not good enough. We had doubts because we compare ourselves to others.

According to Howard Gardner's 1983 book Frames of Mind, he proposed a model that shows his theory of nine multiple intelligences. He believes that everyone has their own kind of intelligence and that everyone could be strong in a particular area.

 He believes that everyone has their own kind of intelligence and that everyone could be strong in a particular area

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Gardner's theory could help you recognize who you are. This could help you discover what you're good at and how you comprehend or learn things. Find out on which area you are most passionate about. Whatever talents or skills you may have, be confident in expressing it.

Our mind is powerful wherein you usually let it manipulate you. But you own your mind, your mind doesn't own you. So you should be the one who is controlling it, not the other way around. Because if your mind thinks of something, your heart will embrace it. For example, you think that you can't pass the audition in a dancing competition, and then your heart embodies it that is why you would feel fear in trying. Do you see the connections?

In order to build your confidence, you just have to change your negative mindset and straighten your bent principles.

You have to believe that you are unique in your own way. Then your heart will embrace it and that will make you confident as a result. Genuine confidence does not compare so don't think if someone is better than you, just focus on striving in being the best version of yourself. You have to take risks and get out of your comfort zone because locking yourself up inside the dark wouldn't take you anywhere. If you fail, don't give up, you should still stand tall and raise up your chin. In every failure you go through is another step closer to success.

If you are doubting yourself now, you have to stop because that is such a waste of time. Take the risk and be confident in expressing whatever you are passionate about. Nobody is stupid, we just have our own kinds of intelligence. Believe in yourself because you are gifted and unique. So why waste your talents and skills now if this is actually your key to your dreams and success? Be confident but remember to stay humble.

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