Essay: "Connecting The Dots" (Life)

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How do you define life? Where is your life headed to?

I don't know.

As a teenage girl, I don't know. I'm still in the stage of growing. Recognizing and discovering myself. My life right now has no exact direction. No exact path. Cause we can't predict what is planned for us.

Life? Others may think it's a game. A journey. A puzzle. Or others at my age, doesn't give much thought of their own definition for life. Maybe their definition is something like 'Food is life!, 'Ball if life' or whatever. Well for me? Life is a gift we shouldn't waste.

My life may have no exact direction, but I know to myself what are my priorities and goals, also dreams. I realized life is also like connecting some dots. The dots from the past will affect the present, and it is your choice to choose what dot to connect next for your future.

Achieving our dream, we would go through failure first. And failure affects us. We become disappointed to ourselves. We feel so down and useless. Failure is like losing a chance for us. A chance to succeed. This emotions took over and manipulated us. Made us feel like giving up. To stop. Not only failure refrains us from trying again. We always worry ourselves from what would other people think. It drowns the inner voice inside us that shouts to grab the chance and try again. We just let ourselves listen to other's opinion instead of listening to your heart.

But nobody is perfect. If you chose the wrong dot, learn from that mistake. There is always a next dot to connect, for you to start over and change.

Failure is not a weakness. Failure helps you determine your weakness. And determining your weakness makes you stronger. Going through failure is the path to success. Nobody succeeds without failing. Take control of your emotions. Don't let it control you. Discipline it. Cause if you don't? It would use you. Use those emotions for your own benefit instead. Feel disappointed? Feel useless? Then prove it to yourself you don't deserve this. Prove to yourself you're worthy. Have courage, determination and motivation to achieve that dream. Hearing the noise of what others think? Cover your ears. You don't have much time. Life is short. Think about aging. When we get older, and we haven't done the things we want to do cause we always worry about other's opinion, we would regret it. Regretting that we should have tried and lived our life to the fullest. Just take the risk, grab the chance. And try. Follow your heart. Burn with passion as you do it. Do what you love to do.

Life is a significant gift for us. So live your life today as if you would die tomorrow. I thought myself of just going with the flow. No exact plans for my life. I force nothing. I just let things happen. Let it fall into place. And trusting that whatever dot I connect next? Is for the best.

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