prologue | kimberly

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"Don't cry because you are leaving, smile because you were there."

Her hand was tightly sandwiched between mine, holding it while making sure it won’t escape my grasp. Eyes were swelling after crying the whole night, my body numbed because I was lacking sleep and my heart was being crashed into pieces since the day I knew that my very best friend, Jaz, is leaving.
      She will leave us here missing her. She will leave us here thinking of her.
      “Jaz, please stay,” I sobbed, trying my best not to let the tears fall again. But she’s a friend, a true friend. And I can’t just move on from the fact that an important person in your life will leave and live far away from you, it hurts.
      “I can’t, Kim," she managed a smile despite the tears that were streaming down her face that means sadness. She doesn’t want to leave, I can feel it but she’s too young to decide for her own self, she must obey her parents.
      I hugged her unexpectedly, freeing her hand between my palms and wishing that this hug will last forever. I wanted her to be at my side every day, joining me every lunch in school, helping me with my assignments and defending me from my bullies.
      “I know, Jaz, but will you ever come back here?” I asked. My words were shattereed into broken syllables because of my heavy cries.
      I felt the warmth of her skin reached my back softly. My head buried on her shoulders, I don’t want to lose her.
      “I don’t know, Kim,” she whispered, “but you can all visit me in London anytime,” she said her voice full of energy.
      Unfortunately, the hug didn’t last that long. Our moment stopped when the others started complaining that it’s their turn. I gave them the chance, I let them hug Jaz for the last time while I stand there watching them in blurry images caused by the tears that are continuously flowing. Tick tock, counting the remaining seconds that we have together makes me think about how precious our friendship is.
      They all gave their emotional messages to Jaz and we all took our time to touch and talk to her personally. Tomorrow or later this scene will be just a memory, a memory of friendship that we will always treasure.
      “Promise me that you’ll visit me in London!” Jaz exclaimed, her voice crashing.
      We all nodded and tried to smile but sadly, we failed. We can’t smile in this situation, we want to but we just can’t. Jaz was the only one who can manage to do it. She raised her pinky in front us, "Pinky swear?” she grinned, wiping the tears on her angelic face.
      Mocking her actions, we raised our pinky. “Pinky swear!” we all yelled in unison while crossing our pinkies to hers.
      Unbelievably, we laughed, a real laugh. It felt like I never laughed for ages, that I almost forgot how to do it, and it felt nice doing it again.
      Then the time came. Her mother called her name and the car appeared from their gate. Wiping her tears, she gave each one of us a friendly kiss and run to their car.
      I watched her wave her hand on the window. Loneliness crept into my vein and sadness filled my heart to infinity but I didn’t stop dreaming.
      That day was so unforgettable, the day when we promised that we will go to London. A promise that I now call an oath.

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