Chapter 41

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"I like you"

There's like a massive spark of electricity jolting all the way up from her toes to her head, sending signals to her head. She wasn't sure if she heard it right, or she accidentally passed out and suddenly dreaming things. Everything is like a splash of thousands water colour on a big white canvas blinding her to the actual thing she was supposed to focus.

Did she hear that right? Or it was just a voice in her head? She is not sure anymore. Everything sounds and looks unreal to her.

"Nana, did you hear what I just say?", Taehyung noticed the way Nana's eyes wander everywhere, looking almost like she was struggling to understand what he just said to her.

"I think I did, but I am not sure now"

She is not sure, for real. It feels like the voice she heard a moment ago was just a whisper in her floating mind. And now, it feels like she doesn't really hear it correctly. It feels like it didn't really happen and now she is just standing there, puzzled at herself.

"I can say it again"

"Wait. Hold on"

Nana was halfway putting her hand up, wanting to signal Taehyung to stop but then he ignored it.

"I like you, a lot"

His abrupt remark made her gasped to herself, realizing that she heard it right and clear this time

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His abrupt remark made her gasped to herself, realizing that she heard it right and clear this time.

"Detective Kim. Did you hit your head somewhere?"

"Hit my head?", he tilts his head, unsure about her question. "What do you mean?"

"Did you just say that you like me?"


Nana lets out a loud gasp as she turns away from him, pinching the bridge of her nose feeling the sudden overflooding of reactions taking over her. While Taehyung, on the other hand, panics at her abrupt gesture of turning around and almost as if, hiding her face from him.

"Nana, are you—"

"Hold on, I need a moment to breathe", she cuts him, sounding almost as if she was choking on air. "Just, a moment"

And she did take a moment, just breathing in and out before she turns her back to him. God knows how dishevelled she looks is right now, mind in not the right state and heart beating in such weird uneven rhythm. Her throat feels dry due to her swallowing her guts every now and then, her face feels hot despite the temperature around her dropping each second.

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