Chapter 22

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MinJung :


Nana :

I was having dinner woman what is wrong with you

MinJung :

I have a date this Saturday help🙃

Nana :

With...detective namjoon...? WHAT

MinJung :

I couldn't last week so....he asked if I am free this Saturday......

Nana :

Are you okay with this? 🤨🧐


I just want to give myself another chance

Nana :

Wait a second. If it's a date, you cant bring Haru with you. I'll babysit Haru. What time is the date?


I'll call you later, I have to go fetch Haru. Love you!🤓🤓🤓

Sighing as she throws her phone to the side, staring blankly at the ceiling as she reflects on her day. It is a habit of hers, to spend a few minutes before going to sleep just thinking about everything she has done on that day. She finds it healing to do that, appreciating the time she had for the day and learning from her own actions.

But one thing for sure, Taehyung crosses her mind ever so frequently. Especially these past days.

Her mind wanders from Taehyung , to the mysterious guy whom has been leaving her notes every day and also, not to forget, the handwritten notes in random books. She couldn't believe working at the bookstore could be this tiring with such occurrences.

First, it has been almost two months of this endless notes on the post box, and also the mysterious Mister Beanie appearing on most Friday nights. Two different things that seems to keep her awake at night, trying to just put everything in place. She has no idea about these two things and it drives her insane not knowing their identities.

"Might as well write a book about my life, it's so dramatic", she rolls to her front, pulling one pillow under her chin.

"You haven't got to find the identity of the person, have you?

Maya walks in with a packet of spicy seaweed and a bottle of coke, munching as she sits at the edge of Nana's bed, scooting closer to her. She pats at the side of her, gesturing Nana to get up and join her.


"Hmmmm, but you did reply to him? I am still assuming this person is a guy. And he has a crush on you"

Nana takes a sip of the coke, squinting her eyes as she sighs feeling the gas going straight up to her nose. "I did. Let's see if he finds it tomorrow. I placed it at the same spot"

"Why do I feel like it weird. You have these notes on the post box, and then this alien guy coming every Friday, writing poetic blues in books. Are you sure you have no idea about it?", Maya arches an eyebrow, lips perking as she looks at her friend.

"The thing is, I have been thinking about Mr Beanie—the alien guy—I heard his voice once that day and...."


Post Box 3012 ( Kim Taehyung) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now