Chapter 6

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Nana sits at the edge of her bed, drying her wet hair using the small towel around her shoulder as she stares blankly at the wall in front of her. She received another note this morning from the same person. She thought it wouldn't affect her that much—not knowing the identity of the person—but it actually does. She even keeps all the notes in small box just in case she might want to trace them.

She has been wondering about the person that has been leaving the brown paper bag every morning. No matter how early she comes to work, she could never catch the person. It's like this person is always there earlier than her. The only person she would bump into is the detective and the barista.

"What are you thinking?", Maya walks into her room, munching on the chips she just opened. "You look disturbed"

"Not really. Was just thinking about the notes"

Maya takes the empty seat beside her, folding both legs as she looks at her friend. "If you're curious, why don't you reply to this person?"


"Do the same thing. Why don't you start leaving notes too? Put it on the post box before you go home?"

Nana stares at her friend with a blank face, tilting her head to the side slightly as she processes the suggestion. It is not like she have never thought of it, but she couldn't bring herself to doing it. To be frankly honest, there were days when the notes become a push for her, giving her strength and motivation. Certain days when she missed her mother so bad, the kinds words from the notes she has gotten could calm herself in such a way it makes her feel assured.

"What about that handsome guy you have been telling me about?"

"His name is Kim Taehyung. I mean, Detective Kim Taehyung", she replies as she rolls onto her bed, cuddling her bolster tightly.

"THAT GUY IS A DETECTIVE? A POLICE!?", Maya almost choked on the chips she was chewing, coughing as she taps lightly on her chest. "Are you kidding me?"

"No, I am not. He is a real detective"

"Mother of god", Maya shakes her head, not believing Nana's statement. "I have seen him once that day, and dear god, what did his parents do to be able produce a masterpiece like him. And how is he...a detective...I am shocked"

"And apparently, he has met Min Jung and Haru too"


Friday evening, the streets has become tad bit busier as people heads home from work, some are heading out to have some drinks after a long week of working, some might want to chill at a calm coffee shop getting their well-deserved treat. And also, for some people, they might want to hide themselves in a quiet bookstore, engulfing themselves into a dimensional world of books.

And by this, some people here refers to Nana and Jihyo. They would always choose books over going out on a Friday night. Thus, they decided to work over-time that day, just to sort things out at the store.

"Do you think that alien guy is going to come today?", Maya asked softly, just loud enough for Nana to hear.

"He might, he might not. It depends. Why did you ask?"

"Can we try talking to him today?"

Before Nana could give reply, the door to the bookstore swung open making the small bell chimes. Both turn to the door, surprised to see the Mr Beanie standing at the door. Aware of both pair of eyes on him, he quickly bows to them and heads straight to his usual section.

Post Box 3012 ( Kim Taehyung) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now