Chapter 12

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"This Mister Beanie guy, I wonder what his actual intention for is coming here, leaving random love notes in books. I mean...he is becoming more mysterious each day". Jihyo sighs as she leans on the empty table, watching Nana doing the weekly book recording at the desktop.

"Why are you so concerned about him?"

"Because I think he likes you"

Nana's eyes flick up, furrowing her eyebrows at her friend. "What?"

"Remember I told you about that night, he keeps looking at you and to be honest, he was basically, staring at you", Jihyo massages her jaw with her fingers, thinking hard before turning around and rest both her hands on the table. "I want to talk to him this Friday!"

Nana lets out a soft groan as she keeps her eyes focused on the desktop screen, not wanting to make any error as she types. Jihyo on the other hand, has been whining endlessly as she talks about her plan to talk to Mr Beanie. Nana couldn't even catch her, not because she is not interested, but because her mind has been on a roll ever since the night at MinJung's house.

She could not stop thinking about Taehyung. It's like a loop, replaying in her head. Whatever she does, Taehyung seems to pop in her head and making her smile to herself and realizing how foolish it felt. She remembers the smell of his cologne when he helped her with her hair, the gentleness of his fingers tying her hair and the way he did ever so softly—as if she is the most fragile thing in the world.

This weird feeling is getting out of hand

"Nanaaaaaaaaaa, are you listening?"

Jihyo's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, making her flinched before turning her head to look at her.

"W-What were you saying?"

"I was asking about that paper bag guy"

"Paper bag...guy?"

"Yes, I am assuming the person that has been leaving you a paper bag every day for weeks now, as a guy. Thus, he is the Paper-Bag guy", Jihyo cackles to herself as she hops onto the table. ", no. I have a better name"


"The Post-box guy, since he loves putting the paper bag on our post-box, which I find it strange but sweet at the same time. Who knows this guy might be someone that has been crushing on you, but does not have the guts to talk to you"?

Nana's jaw dropped as she listens to her friend's ridiculous conclusion about the paper bag. True that she has been so curious about the person, but she had never thought about the person having a crush on her. Well, not that she is no confident about it, but it never crossed her mind. Weeks have passed and yet the identity of the mysterious person is still unknown.

"Are you and that detective getting close now?"

Nana flicks her head up, looking at Jihyo once again with confused eyes. "What? Close? N-No"

"Does he even have any idea that you've been watching him for weeks now? Imagine if he knows that you're crushing on him. This will be wonderfulllll"

Hopping off from the table, Jihyo left Nana speechless behind the counter as she walks towards the back of the bookstore, disappearing amidst the tall brown shelves. Nana stands there, frozen as she rethinks about her friend's words.

Post Box 3012 ( Kim Taehyung) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now