Chapter 15

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Nana leans on the wall beside the small window at the back of the bookstore, resting her head off after a busy afternoon of endless crowd in the bookstore. Noon is the busiest time of the day as people around the area frequently takes the chance of their lunch break to drop by the store for a quick book shopping. It's tiring but then it's something fruitful because she loves her job so much.

The spot at the back of the last shelf on the right side of the store is her favourite resting place. It's hidden from everyone as the big shelf located at the side seems to block the view from the reading section at the centre of the store.

She loves it there.

She spends almost every afternoon there, sitting and doing basically nothing but admiring the calm empty bookstore. Spending her me time all cuddled to herself as she rests on the huge brown bean bag, emptying her messy head and staring at the beautiful painting hung just beside the window—such a healing.

She thinks about life every day, wondering where it would lead her. Will she be working at the bookstore for the rest of her life? Or would she follow her father's advice and chase her dream? It's a blurred line between wanting to be step out of her comfort zone or just stay put and carry on with her current routine. She has dreams and goals, and yet she doubts on herself if she ever be able to pursue them.

Nothing is stopping her. It is just her and her own fears.


She hears Jihyo's soft voice calling for her, pushing herself off the bean bag getting on her feet. Turning around to the mirror, she quickly adjusts her hair as she listens to the soft pads of Jihyo approaching her.

"He is here"

Turning around, she looks at her Jihyo weirdly. "Who?"

"Your all-time crush, Detective Kim"


"Gyuri actually wanted you to come to her fashion show, thus she sent me, to give you the invitation card"

Battling her eyelashes as she looks at the silver rectangular card in front of her, and then flicking her confused eyes to look at Taehyung. "Wait, what?"

Leaning on the chair, Taehyung pushes the card closer to her so that she can take a closer look at it. Gyuri literally gave him no time nor the space to question her when she barged into his house last night and demanded that he gives the card to her.

She basically, threatened him.

Gyuri made it clear that if he doesn't man up and talk to her, and also, invite her to the fashion show, she will make a fuss about it and expose him.

Gyuri will always win when it comes to this.

Gyuri will always win when it comes to this

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