Chapter 23

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Grace P.O.V

"So let me get this straight. You want me to get married to your older son?"

Mel sigh "Yes hun. I've waited for this time to tell you, you're the only one that can rule the whole kingdom in a rightful way"


"I know Grace you are just a teenager. But I trust you, you can be good queen" She added.

"Mel I don't even like Chris at all! That's the problem! He's a total jerk!" I huffed.

"Then learn about him. The more you know Chris, the closer your heart beat faster for him" Mel said in the matter of fact.

"Millions of girls out there are more suitable. Plus I don't want to stuck myself sitting, doing nothing or getting pampered" I shook my head.

Mel pinch the bridge of her nose "Do you know that you and my idiotic, hot head son can make beautiful babies?. I mean look at me honey, do I look I can sit still all day?. Of course no I mostly travel a lot and do stuff often. So chill begin a royal is not that boring"

I raised my hands in surrender "Okay I'm chill right now, no need to get crazy about this stuff"

"Well it's true that both of you are a good pair, so obviously my grandchildren will have good genetics. Oh yeah say 'thanks' to Kelvin for me and Marian too since, it's hard to push you out from her virgina"

My nose wrinkle "That it's a bit..."

"What?" She gave a innocent look. I shook my head "Nothing"

"Oh Lord if only you could remember everything..." She chuckle.

I raised my eyebrows "Remember What?" Mel sigh as she run through her hair with her fingers "Everything about your childhood, even though you've  remember about your father..But you still forgot, about the rest of it"

I stay silence for a while "So may I ask, how close am I to Chris when we're young?"

Her lips tugged up into a smile, Mel lean forward with her eyes sparkle "Very close. Like a cute couple, even though you guys are very young that time"

My cheeks flush my eyes fixed on her in disbelief "You got to be kidding right?"

"Obviously I'm telling you the truth otherwise Prince Christopher Charles, won't able to open up a room for any female in his heart. Instead you got his"

"Umm I think I should go now. I bet dad is waiting for me"

She nod her head "Okay I'll see you tomorrow"


I unlocked the door stepping into my house, I guess since it my half family stay here. I notice everyone is no where to seen, I shrugged my shoulders thinking maybe they are busy with their schedule.

A small sigh escape from my lips as I went to my room. I lay down on my bed facing the clean ceiling.

"Then learn about him. The more you know Chris, the closer your heart beat faster for him" Mel's voice rang my mind.

I close my eyes while trying to clear my mind. But failed miserably, a image of Chris with hurtful look flashed in my mind.

Should I accept him or nah?

I know he's hot but I felt a stranger around him. And weirdly my heart beats faster when we are together.

Trent P.O.V

"Mom are you sure that guy, is our biological dad?" I pointed to him for the third time.

Rolling her eyes she nod "Yes Trent he's your biological father, don't ask this question again"

I took a glance of Rose, her eyes stare at dad. Soon without warning she ran into his arms "Daddy!"

Kelvin smile at Rose warmly as his eyes met mine. Immediately a few images flashed in my mind, about my childhood. Soon he turn his face to mom who tried to avoid looking at him.

Plus he look exactly like Grace after all...

"Trent! You've grown muscular than before" He lightly punch my shoulder, while carrying my little sister on his side.

I gave him a small smile "Hi dad, long time no see"

He chuckle "Yeah it is my boy. It's been years already and this is the first time I seen you guys like this"

Mom clear her throat making all of us turn our attention to her "Sorry to be rude but can we go now?, we've attracted too much attention here"

Looking around the airport, hundreds of people stare at us. Or even worse they even took a video and pictures.

Dad nod in agreement "let's go"


Finally we reached our destination which it was insane that my dad, is living in a mansion. And man the whole journey is painfully awkward, mom just literally scowl since dad has unexpectedly won't stop talking.

On the good side me and Rose having a good time talking with him.

"Trent close your mouth" Mom muttered lowly enough for me to hear. I quickly shut it close and look at her "What?"

"You look like a goldfish if you keep doing that!" Rose giggle. "I don't look like one!"

"You do!. You look like this" Her eyes popped open with mouth wide open. I can't help but laugh at her cuteness, dad  chuckle.

Mom laugh slightly until she met dad's eyes and immediately, stop as she begins to scowl at him.

I heard someone running towards our direction. I turn around and met those silver eyes, before I was crush into hug.

"Oh jeez sis, I'm d..ying" I whizz out. She chuckle and pull away.

"Sorry brother I just miss you"

I smile "Of course you do Grace, I mean I'm the greatest brother that you ever had"

Rolling her eyes she hugged mom and Rose. After a few minutes a grin spread, on her face she look at dad "Thanks daddy!"


Gosh I'm sorry it's a short chapter. But please bear with me!

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