Chapter 08

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Grace P.O.V

I enter my house then there's something weird feeling in my gut, I shook my head  thinking maybe it's just my imagination.

I heard a crash at kitchen without waiting any longer I quickly rushed to the kitchen, not to my surprise Trent was cleaning up the broken mug.

"Trent?" I called out. He turn around "What?"

"Did you just break mom's favorite mug?" He sheepishly smile "Yeah I kinda broke it..."

I shook my head "Then where's mom?" He stood up and throw the broken mug into the bin.

"She's taking Rose and probably they'll be going home late"

I sigh "Okay I'll be upstairs if you need anything, plus don't break anything fragile"

Rolling his eyes "I don't really break stuff it's not a hobby"

"Right" I went to my room. I lie down on my bed, I look up at the painted blue ceiling. I sigh again as I rolled out of my bed and went into the shower.

I strip my clothes off I turn on the tapped letting the water flow in the tub. After a few minutes I pour some soap, which it was vanilla scent. Coz it's my favorite of all scent.

For some reason it made my body smell like a cake or ice cream, which it was weird coz I don't know ice cream have a smell or nah..

I slowly deep into the tub instantly feeling relax, I place my arms on the side to sink myself deeper. Soon my eyes begin to droop as sleep took over me.


"Gotcha!" Strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I can't help to let a small laugh "Hey you better stop it"

He pull his hand as he turn my body facing him. This guy has a beautiful features which it was hard to not notice him, those emerald green eyes bored to mine. He look at me with a genuine smile plastered on his face, I held his face and smile.

"What's wrong?, why you looking at me like that?" He asked. I shook my head "It was nothing, I was just staring at you only"

He smirk "Only me? The crown Prince that you truly adore?" I can feel my cheeks heated when, he do his signature smirk with his sexy English accent...

"Why are you blushing? Do you really fancy that much to me?" He tease.

"Yeah too bad I do fancy you, or else I might punch you in the face if you get this close to me" I said in my fake English accent.

This guy pull me closer to him and peck my forehead "Don't you dare leave me"

I raised an eyebrow "Why you're saying that?"

He sigh "Things may happen between us"

Trent P.O.V

"Hey sweetie" My mom Marian, walk towards me and ruffle my hair. Rose plopped next to me grinning ear to ear.

"Hey mom how's work?"

She gave me a small smile and sit opposite me "As busy as usual, but everything going to be alright"

I took a glance of my little sister and not surprise that they look the same, since mom has longer hair now. It's like they're clones or something, except they look like in different dimensions. Like those time travelling kind of thing in movies, which it was cool though.

Sorry for being werid just ignore me...

"Gosh mom you should learn to take a break for sometime"

She sigh "Is not easy like you think" I cross my arms over my chest "Yeah I know but seriously, it's like this work of yours took over you"

Mom shook her head "Whatever Trent I'm not going to discuss about this again"

Rose poke my arm I turn my head and smile "Yes Rosie?"

"Trent does mom and I look same to you?" Cutely she titled her head to the side, those warm eyes are staring at me.

I look the both of them again and slowly nod my head "Yeah you guys do, it's like you're time traveling in the future"

Mom chuckle "Ohh that would be cool if things like that"

"Yes yes! I love to do that! I can meet my future boy friend, in a minute" Rose grins.

I had to control the brother instinct in me again before things go wrong. Mom observe me but there's a twitch, on her lips coz she's trying to control from laughing at me.

"Rose I think it's a bad idea, to meet your future boy friend"

She pout "But I want to meet him in the future! He's my Prince charming"

"No no Rose you're too young" I stated. "Yeah coz you're jealous! Whatever, I'm going to see Gracie!" She stick her tongue out as she left.

Mom chuckle "You have a brother complex Trent" I rolled my eyes "I had to they're my sisters and I won't let them date any guys, before meeting me"

"Ok-" All the sudden Rose scream loudly, instantly both of us went to Grace's room.


Grace P.O.V

Someone hit my face a couple of times with voices in the background, my eyes flutter open I met Trent's eyes stare at me with anxious.

"Mom, Rose she's fine" He stated. Mom sigh in relief while holding my hand tight along Rose.

"Oh my I thought you're going to die.." Rose sobbed on my stomach. Mom sniffed "Grace stop sleeping in the tub, you've almost die"

I look down on my body and noticed I was in my bath rope, my wanders around of my room I saw Trent sat opposite me. His eyes stare at me blankly.

"Sorry...guys I'm just tired" Rose sit up straight. Her eyes are red from all the crying, I held her face and wipe a tear rolled down on her cheeks.

"Trent you didn't see me naked right?" I turn my head to him. He shook his head "No I don't, mom covers you before I entered your room"

"Oh okay" I stretch my arms and yawn "Hey I think I should have a nap, I'm too sleepy right now"

The three of them nod "Okay we'll leave, but I need to warning you not to use the tub" Mom said sternly.

I sigh "Fine I promise" Trent ruffle my hair as all of them left.

I slowly stood up as I change into my PJs I lie down on my bed, as sleep took over.

God damm you mysterious Prince, you've almost kill me...


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