T W E N T Y - F O U R

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Niall could not stop the guilt from filling his stomach. He had watched all the color fade from her face and Kit looked like she had been betrayed. 

He felt sick, why did I say that? 

Deep down her knew why he did-- it was for her. He wanted to pry her from Reggie and the only way to do that was to crush him. Reggie made the first strike when he pulled Niall into the office that day. 

It was time he retaliated. 

He returned his attention to Kit, who didn't move. She still remained in her seat, her eyes stared at her notebook and pen. She looked so defeated-- in such pain. 

Niall plopped down next to her, "I'm sorry."

"What do I do now? Confront him? I don't want to do that." She spoke softly. 

"Then don't." Niall spoke. 

Kit lifted her head and looked at him, Niall was taken back by how beautiful her eyes were. Despite the tears that threatened to spill, they were breathtaking. 

"What do I do then?" She asked. "Why would he say that? I know it's a stupid rumor and it doesn't matter, I just--" He watched her hang her head in silence, he wanted to reach out and hug her. Tell her he had made it up. But the damage had been done, this wasn't something he could just laugh off or say sike about. 

Niall felt at a loss for words, what had he done? He wanted to upshow Reggie, but Kit would be in the crossfire. He didn't want to hurt her. Or did he?

No, he was sure he didn't want to hurt her. He cared about her, but he knew this was wrong. 

"Kit," Niall started. Kit stood up, her gaze was focused on the other side of the room. Niall followed her gaze, her eyes were dead-set on the man of the hour. Reggie was talking to Professor Callahan. 

"I'm going to say something." She spoke. "He cannot get away with this. I like him but this is not right. A man should not treat a woman like this, it's unacceptable."

Niall's eyes widened, "Wait, wait. It could just be a misunderstanding." 

Her head whirled to him, her bright eyes bore holes into his face, "Did you, or did you not hear that Reggie said he slept with me?" 

Niall wanted to shrink, his palms were sweaty. He had never seen a girl react this way, usually when he saw an upset girl, they looked like they were going to cry and would stay quiet. Seeing Reggie must have lit a fire in Kit, because she looked like she was out for blood. 

"I-I," He needed to think quickly, this could backfire real bad, "It came from some asshole. He most likely misheard."

"Then how did you hear?" She hissed.

"He knew you and I were friends and wanted confirmation, I denied it of course. But I thought you should know."

Kit narrowed her eyes, pondering if Niall was telling the truth. "I told him that he was wrong and if he kept going around and saying that, I would break his teeth in. I know I shouldn't have broken the news to you like that but I was scared to tell you. I don't want you to get hurt and-"

"I understand." Kit interrupted, "That's not an easy thing to say. But thank you. Next time though, do not threaten someone on my behalf. I can handle things myself." 

"Grey, Niall." Niall heard his president approach, he briefly looked at Reggie. 

"Hi," Reggie smiled at her, "Wanna grab lunch?" 

Kit returned the grin, "Why yes I would. Niall did you wanna-"

"I'm sure Niall is pretty busy, we've got that party this weekend. Lots of things need to be taken care of and Niall volunteered to oversee all the other pledges in making sure it is a success, isn't that right?" Reggie shot a look over to his pledge. Niall wanted to deck him in his face, asshole. 

Before Niall could speak, Kit interjected, "I insist. He's been quite the hero lately."

Reggie shot her a puzzled look, "Oh really?"

Do not say it, Kit. Niall felt his heart race, he did not know what Reggie would say or do to him next if Kit spilled what he done.

"Yeah, some guys at the frat were spreading rumors about our sexual conduct or should I say surplus of sexual conduct and Niall here so graciously put an end to them. You should be thanking him since you allowed the other pledges to go around talking about me that way." Oh fuck, this girl had a mouth on her. Niall had never heard someone so eloquently shame a man, it was terrifying but somewhat hot at the same time. A pain expression filled Reggie's face as Kit crossed her arms. Niall began to hold his breath as he awaited his president's response.

"Kit, I am very sorry that someone said that about you. I will take care of it-"

"I just said that Niall did." She interrupted, "You should be thanking Niall." Jesus Kit, way to kick a man while he is down. 

Niall watched his president take a deep breath and clenched his jaw, "Thank you Niall. I appreciate it."

"Well, I'm hungry. Let's go." She collected her belongings and headed towards the door. Reggie looked at Niall, a dark look upon his face, "Don't look so smug, this isn't over."

Niall watched as Reggie turned and followed after the girl of his dreams. He watched as Reggie slid his hands into hers, before disappearing from view, Kit flashed Niall a smile.

Niall finally released the air that he had been holding and collapsed back into his seat, "Fuck." 

A U T H O R ' S   N O T E:

Hey guys! 

Thank you for being so patient with me. I know it has been a LONG time since my last update. Of course, I hope you are all staying safe during this trying time. A lot has changed for me and I have taken time to adjust and that is why I haven't updated. I just entered my SENIOR YEAR OF COLLEGE (insane.) I was able to gain the internship of my dreams and then sadly, due to covid, it was cancelled. My mom contracted Covid but recovered safely. So I appreciate all the love and patience. I promise to try to be better and updating this story as well as finishing the editing to the Mr. Know it All series. I am also planning a bunch of new stories, however they do go outside of 1D world. I plan on writing a few YA stories as well as a Draco Malfoy Fan Fiction. 

How are all of you doing? 

All the love, 


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