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"Grey," A smooth voice spoke, I turned to see a dashing Reggie holding a textbook, "What a pleasant surprise."

"Hello again," I felt a blush coming on, I prayed for it to go away. Now every time I saw those beautiful eyes, my heart began to race.

"So what brings you to the campus bookstore?" He wiggled his brows, then he returned his attention the colorful paraphernalia.

"I was trying to kill time before class and I need to get a new water bottle. I dropped mine on my floor and it cracked so it's useless. How about you? Lemme guess, you work here as well?"

He pointed a blue and beige foam finger at me, "Watch it, Grey. That smart mouth is going to get you in trouble some day."

I rolled my eyes, "Okay, thank you for the advice."

"And I'm here to get a book for my class which was not put in the syllabus but according to my professor is so dire for the class." He moaned.

"Now who is the one with smart mouth?" I grinned.

He laughed, "I've been meaning to talk to you, actually."

"Oh no. What have I done now?" I questioned.

"Haha, nothing but um, fuck. You make me incredibly nervous."

"My bad, I'll just go." He grabbed my arm, "Wait."

I looked down at his hand, he turned red, "I'm sorry. I just um- was wondering if I could possibly see you again. Like on another date."

I blinked.

"I mean if you don't wan to, I get it. I just had a lot of fun and yeah. I probably scared you off, shit."

"I didn't say no."

"But you didn't say yes either." He returned.

"I haven't had a chance to, but when were you thinking?"

"I don't work Tuesday?"

I scrunched up my face. "What? Is something wrong with that day? Or is it me?"

"No, it's not you at all! I actually have a study thing with Niall on Tuesday nights." I looked over the collection of water bottles in front of me. There were a mix of different colors and styles. I grabbed a blue one that had a giant H on it.

His face wrinkled in confusion, "Niall? My pledge?"

I nodded, "Yeah, he asked me to help him with English and so we meet every Tuesday."

"How is that? Sorry, I keep tabs on my pledges." He leaned against the shelve, his entire demeanor changed.

"Oh, it's good. We're studying Dante's inferno. Niall is a good student but has a hard time staying on track so we end up being at the library a lot longer than we really should." I shrugged.

He was silent as he thought about it, then sighed, "Another time then?"

"Yeah, that would be great."

He smiled, "Well, I'll call you. Have a great class, Grey."

"Thanks." I watched as he went up to the counter to pay for his items, the girl tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. He said something to her and she looked over at me and nodded. What was he saying? Then I watched as he handed her his credit card, he then signed a piece of paper and gave a wink on his way out.

I shook it off and walked over to the counter and placed the bottle on the counter.

"How much?" I questioned as I reached into my purse to pull out my wallet.

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