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My thoughts were full of other things when I wandered off the path. Me too, Dante, me freaking too. 

After yesterday's meltdown/ confession I had felt a little better, someone else knew why I was so messed up at this point. How was I supposed to live after he died? It made no sense to me and constantly questioned my own self. Also this drafty vent above me made me question why I didn't bring a jacket to the library. 

"Come to a party with me." Niall broke the cycle of thoughts in my mind. 

I lowered my book, "What?"

"The frat is throwing a party tomorrow night and it would be nice to have you grace us with your presence since you haven't came to a party since that night. I bet your boyfriend misses you."

Reggie and I hadn't gone out since that night because he has been wrapped up in his father's events which he texted me begging to come over after but Georgia had been going to bed around nine every night, so I suggested against it. I felt guilty that I hadn't seen him but the semester took off running, but he was excited to see me on Thursday so I mean I guess I could make a visit to the frat house. 

"Not my boyfriend," I laughed, "He's just a friend."

"Uh huh," Niall wiggled those caterpillars on his face.

"Man, you need to let me near those eyebrows, they're getting pretty intense." 

"They're in love, you monster." He placed a hand over his heart, "I would never let you split them up."

I laughed, "if I have to, I will sit on you and hold you down to tweeze them."

Niall didn't say anything back, his gaze returned down to the book. Shit, maybe it was a sensitive subject and I was a major asshole for mocking him. Fix it, say you're sorry or something or else you will lose your study buddy.

"I'll be there." I spoke.

He looked up, "What?"

"I'll go to the party, ONLY because I feel guilty for hurting your feelings, not because of Reggie." 

"So you're coming for me?" 

I put my index finger to my lips and winked. 


Tuesdays had become Niall's favorite day of the week. He had only one class, Calculus which came naturally to him so he didn't feel like it was a drag. Since Reggie and the rest of the officers meet that night no frat obligations so he had all night to get to know Kit without interference of Reggie.

Some things he has picked up on so far;

-loves candy; especially starburst but hates the fact they're in wrappers. Plus the unwrapped ones aren't as tasty as the original ones

-musicals and Harry Potter trigger her

-has the cutest giggle

-plays with her hair when she is reading and sometimes will put little stands out (also what the fuck was up with that? Do all girls do that? So many questions.)

-bites the skin around her nails, then immediately pulls out hand sanitizer and regrets it instantly as it hits her skin stinging, this makes Niall smirk because she doesn't learn her lesson and repeatedly does it

-he can't figure out whether she wear a low padded bra or no bra because when she sits under the vent, her nipples poke out and drives him weak but either way he can't stop thinking about them (wow, that made him sound creepy but this girl drove him wild)

-never gets on her phone during their time together 

-when she gets excited about when she connects one thing from the book to another section

Niall needed to figure out how to get closer to her without completely pissing off Reggie, but he did want to have a little fun with this. So that's when he invited her to the party tomorrow. he knew the parties weren't her thing but if Reggie saw the two of them talking, it would bring great satisfaction to piss off the guy who challenged him. 

Well unofficially challenged him, nonetheless he was determined to get closer to Kit.

 It didn't matter what it took, she was his for the taking. 

She then made a comment about his eyebrows, to her defense they were getting pretty wild but he wouldn't let her near them. 

So when she made the comment about sitting on him, he wondered what it would be like to feel her on top of him. Her thighs straddling him, his heart beat fast, as her touch flooded his mind. Having her that close, being intoxicated by her touch and smell, Niall wanted nothing more than to bury himself in her. Holy shit, think of dead puppies or something, he thought, you cannot be getting excited in the fucking library. 


Kit thought she hurt his feelings and said she would go. Without thinking, Niall opened his mouth, "So you're coming for me?"

She put her finger to those perfect lips of hers and winked, Oh Kit, Niall thought, this won;t be the last time I ask if you're coming for me. 

And I will expect an answer. 

Sorry for the short update but I wanted to move the story along and what better way then sexual innuendos ? Next update is already in the works and you do NOT wanna miss it. 

vote and comment, I wanna hear from you all.

much love xoxo

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