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"Well this is a big bowl of awkward. Hi. I'm Kit." I smiled.

"I know who you are!" The girl smiled back, she had a southern accent and curly blonde hair. With her fair complexion, red cherry lips she looked like a traditional southern bell. "My name is Georgia and ironically I am actually from Georgia." Thank God, I got a roommate who actually seems to have a personality and sense of humor.

"Georgia from Georgia? Nice ring to it." I walked over to my side of the room. "Let me guess, middle name is Savannah?"

She laughed, "Laraine. I wish it was Savannah. Then I'd be just a tad more interesting but that's that. Sorry for talking your ear off, my mama says I do that alot. Here I go again but I had an idea that since I have no friends and we seem like we could get along that we could be great friends, if you wanted to, of course."

I opened my suitcase and separated clothes into piles. One for tee-shirts, pants, underwear and socks, pajamas. "I would love that. I could definitely use a friend. So What are you majoring in?"

"Bio-chemistry. I love science. It just seems to fascinate me. What are you studying?"

"Uh, writing and editing." I went over to the plastic container that acted as my dresser. Her face lit up, "That's so cool! My cousin Derrick majored in that and he loves it. He ended up moving to Spain to run a publishing company out there."

I made a smile, and looked over at her walls which were covered in pictures of some country singer. My eyes bulged out of my head, "I love Luke Bryan. He is to die for. I saw him in concert four times. My uncle works for a record company and I got to meet him. He is just as beautiful in person as he is in pictures. Makes me swoon." She sighed, dreamily. "I hope you don't mind all the posters. It's a lil much but I can always take some down."

"Not at all." I swallowed, "Um He's very appealing to the eye."

"Ain't he? I mean he isn't like my boyfriend but he's a mighty close second." She gushed as sat on her bed facing me.

"What's he like?"

"My boyfriend?" I nodded. "Gorgeously handsome, 6'4, killer smile, and his brown eyes just make me squeal. His name is Tanner. The love of my life."

"Does he go here?" I asked.

"No. He got deployed last week. All the way to Iraq."

"Well he's a good man, serving his country. How long?"

"6-9 months. But it could get extended longer." She sighed, "but enough about me. Tell me about yourself, unless you are one of those girls who keeps to herself."

I began shoving clothes into the bins by my desk. "Well I'm from Idaho. Middle name is Elliot. I live for musicals and all that jazz. I love, love Zac Efron. And reading is my passion."

"Who doesn't love that hottie? We are going to get along so well. I know this is totally random and you have unpacking to do but, how do you feel about a party?"

"Party girl?" I smiled.

"No, but I figured what the hell. New state, new school, new life. The sooner I get some fireball in my stomach, the sooner I'll be dandy. And plus one those weird frat boys handed me a flyer telling me to check it out."

I smirked, "We're so going to be good friends. Let's do it. I can put the rest of my clothes away later."

We were at Alpha Delta Phi for less than ten seconds before I realized how I stuck out like a sore thumb.

I could not explain how crazy this party was, a sea of drunken college students dancing around to music found at a EDC Festival. You've seen movies. Red solo cups, drunken laughter, premarital sex going on in the bedrooms.

Girls were in skimpy outfits and their makeup was definitely perfect but overdone. I envied them in a way, being able to feel confident in wearing as much make-up as they wanted.

"Wow." I gauged at the spectacle before me.

"These girls seem to have no modesty. My pa would faint if he saw this." On our way over. Georgia explained how she was the typical stereotype of a southern girl. Her dad was a preacher at a Baptist church and her mom was a successful business woman.

"My dad would throw out all of my clothes if they looked like this except for a baggy tee and a pair of jeans." I said back.

"So true. My pa found this little black dress I had and burned it. I cried for days."

"No way." I said.

"Oh yeah." She said as we made our way into the kitchen, squeezing past drunk boys and girls. "Nearly had a heart attack. Then he proceeded to lecture me on modesty and how immortal I was being. But what he doesn't know is I could drink him under the table and say some words that even sailors wouldn't dare."

I grabbed the bottle of fireball and poured some into two cups as she continued. I handed her the red cup.

"Hello ladies." A boy strolled up to us, his demeanor oozed sexiness with his boyish charm and tan skin.

"Why hello." Georgia smiled.

"Hi." I returned then took a sip of fireball.

"Enjoying the party?" He questioned. We both nodded. "Let me guess, first timers?"

"Um yeah." I answered.

"Well, I am Reggie. I am the president of the wonderful frat. You are?"

"Taken." Georgia smiled sweetly, she touched my arm, "I'm going to go get a refill. Be back."

I nodded, and watched her mouth behind Reggie's back. He's hot. Get it, sugar.

"Sorry." I smiled, "Kit Grey."

"So where are you from Kit? I haven't seen you around."

"Freshman from Idaho."

"Ah, I knew I didn't know you because I am sure I wouldn't have forgotten a face like yours."

I blushed under all the party lights, this boy definitely knew how to sweet talk.

"Aw thanks." I laughed.

"What sorority are you in?"

I laughed again, he leaned against the wall, "Not in one."

"Seriously? I thought you would be in one, I could totally see you running a house here."

"Oh no. This kind of stuff isn't my style. I don't do the Greek."

"How about Greeks?" He winked. I blushed again. I saw Georgia out from the corner of my eye.

I touched his arm, "It was nice talking to you. See ya round." I winked.

He smiled, "Welcome Kit Grey. If you need anything, let me know. I've got some pledges that can serve you." He reached for my hand and kissed it.

I headed over to Georgia who had a smile plastered on her face, "Look at you go girl. Two boys in one day, you have my respect."

"Two?" Then I thought of Archer. "Oh Archer? No he's just some random guy."

"So was that beefcake." She winked.

I chuckled, "Oh whatever."

I looked over at Reggie who was talking to a group of guys in Alpha Delta Phi shirts. Reggie saw me starring and smiled then returned to the group. I looked away then back, my eyes made contact with a pair of blue ones.

And the blue eyes smirked at me, then looked back to his president.

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