T W E N T Y - O N E

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Niall looked at his phone for the first time


Kit was never late, in fact, she was always here fifteen minutes early. He knew sometimes she would stay late at the gym but she would let him know ahead of time if something was up. Oh well, he knew how often time escaped him so he pulled out his book and looked over his notes on limbo.

He knew the inscription that was above the gates of hell; Abandon all hope, you who enter here. He also knew that there was a "ante-inferno" before reaching the layers of hell. Sharon was the one who rode the river with Dante and Virgil as they made it to the first real circle of hell.

Limbo-  this circle help those who lived morally good lives and did good deeds but never were baptized or never accepted Christianity. In Limbo, there is no physical punishment however, those trapped here are forced to live with the fact that they were so close heaven but no close enough to escape hell.

Sounds about right, Niall thought. Should he text her? No, she should have texted him.

As another five minutes passed, he felt his patience slipping away. He shoved his books back into his bag. He was going to find her himself.

Niall made his way through campus, hands shoved in his pockets. It was decently hot outside— there were kids sitting in the quad either typing away on their computers or sitting in the sun and enjoying the warmth.

Niall's observations were cut short by the sound of his phone ringing.


"Niall." He was disappointed when his moms voice flooded his ears. Should've checked the caller ID.

"Hi mum." He tried to seem cheery despite it not being Kit.

"How are you my boy? I was just thinking about you. Is school going well? Me and the girls were all talking about how crazy it is that you are all the way over there."

He sighed, "I'm good. I'm settling in well and my classes are keeping me busy. But I am keeping my grades up."

"I am so very proud of you. We all are. What have you been doing in your free time? Please tell me that you aren't drinking or getting into things you shouldn't be. You know how I worry."

"I am just exploring this part of the country. I found a hiking trial that I run almost every day. It's got a breath taking view of the valley. Lots of wildflowers— blue. I've made some good friends here that I hang out with often." He hated lying to her about the frat. But he knew she wouldn't understand nor like it. "Why are you up so late? It's nearly seven here mum."

"It's only four a.m." She reminded him. "I am usually up by five. I just haven't been able to sleep too well. I do miss you terribly. I wish you were still here but I understand that you have better opportunities in America than you do here."

Niall sighed, "I miss you too, mum. And I want to thank you for allowing me to do this. I really am having a great time. You'd love it here."

"I'm sure I would. So are you seeing someone?" She asked hesitantly.

Niall thought about Kit; the way she smiled at him, the way she smelt, how she made his heart skip a beat. But he wasn't hers. She wasn't interested in him like that. Nialls mind soon flooded with images of her being with Reggie. Her kissing him, laughing at his stupid jokes, Reggie touching her. Niall pushed those thoughts out of his mind. She couldn't be his— he made a choice and he had to stick with it.

"No. I'm alone."

• • •

"I-I— oh my god I forgot." Kit instantly turned red. Niall scanned her body up and down. She looked amazing. Her dress was skintight and really highlighted her body. He wanted to know every curve— every inch of her skin.

"Is that prince-" Georgia broke off when she saw Niall, "Oh."

Yeah, oh.

"No not Prince Charming. Just the local jester." Niall grumbled.

Kit looked flabbergasted, "Niall I am so sorry. I thought I texted you. Reggie-"

Niall's blood boiled as she went to explain how she and Reggie made plans and that she already did the quiz. Reggie was intruding on their precious time.

"I see." He didn't bother hiding his disapproval. "Well you look wonderful."

He was then engulfed by her vanilla perfume, her arms wrapped around his neck. "I am really sorry."

Niall felt all his anger wash away— he wrapped his arms around her waist tightly. This is what he wanted— her.

"It's okay, Kit." He spoke softly, he squeezed her. She softened under his touch; resting her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you for understanding." She pulled away slowly. For a moment they looked into each other's eyes. She was so painfully beautiful; he thought. Niall wanted to tell her that and so much more. Her lips were painted a beautiful red and looked so soft. He wanted to grab her waist and slowly press his lips to hers.

Footsteps approached behind them, Niall turned to see Reggie coming down the hall. He wore a dark suit and carrying a bouquet of roses. Niall wanted to smack the smirk off of his face.

"What a pleasant surprise." Reggie's eyes darkened towards Niall, "didn't expect to see you here."

Niall felt himself cower back; Reggie was powerful by all means. Niall knew he was reckless right now and he wasn't careful Reggie would kick him out before Rush was over.

"I invited him." Kit interjected. "I was supposed to meet him at the library to study but then i spaced telling him that we were going out. I didn't want my apology to be dissected the wrong way."

Reggie nodded as he processed the information. Niall smiled painfully, "Well, you guys have a good night. I'll text you later, Kit."

"Okay, thank you for understanding again." Kit made a small smile and waved.

"You look ravishing." Reggie spoke to her. Niall heard Kit giggle and thank him. As Niall entered the elevator, he saw Reggie plant a kiss on her cheek with his arms snaked around her waist.

You need to be careful, he told himself. If he wanted to follow through with his plan; it was better he acted less on his emotions and kept the goal in his mind.

Become a brother.

Expose Reggie.

Become president.

Get the girl.

I'm coming for you— and I won't stop until this is all mine.

A U T H O R S N O T E :

Hey guys! Thank you for being so patient! I promise more chapters of this book and updated ones of Mr. Extrovert are coming.

I'll do my best to keep me coming! My junior year of college starts so soon (next week) which is so weird since I started this book before I went off to college. Anyway, much love.

Please comment and vote! It means a HUGE difference.

All the love,

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