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"Hey Archer!" I waved my hands above my head. I was sitting in the middle of the student union building; my excitement drew attention from onlookers sitting around me.

The goofy smiled boy ran over, "Am I glad to see you!"

I stood up and he brought me in for a hug, "Thanks for coming."

"Thanks for inviting me. It's been a really long time," we both sat down.

"Yeah," he rubbed the back of his neck, "after the first week I tend to disappear for a while. I've been working in the lab with Professor Jamison. He's writing a book and needs help with the research. And I get credit."

"That's a pretty sick deal." I smiled.

"Terrible hours though. From five to eight am we are in the lab. Then from nine to 7 I have classes all day. And then 7 to nine I tutor in the library. And finally return to the lab from 11 to three in the morning."

"What about sleep?" I demanded.

He chuckled, "we only do research on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Saturday's. However on Saturdays are from 6 am to 10 pm."

"Holy shit. Must be some book."

"Indeed it is. We are trying mutate cancer cells and manipulate them."

"Wait-- You're doing... cancer research?" Tears welled up in my eyes. I always wanted to see the day they cured cancer. For Marshall.

"It's the coolest yet most stressful thing I've ever done in my life. But Doctor Jamison is a genius and is testing cutting edge technology. I'm really lucky to be working with him. I was the only student chosen for this honor."

"That's really special and wonderful."

"Yeah it means a lot. I lost my mom to stage four ovarian cancer my freshman year. I was originally a business major but when she was diagnosed, I immediately switched my major to medicine with an emphasis in cancer research and treatment."

I wanted to hug him and cry. My heart ached with the hope of a cure being found. I grabbed his hand across the table, it was warm and soft, just like him. "Thank you for sharing that with me. I'm glad someone's out there fighting that. I lost my boyfriend to it nearly a year ago."

His face softened with sympathy, "Oh Kit. I had no idea."

I couldn't help the tears that spilt, "It's okay, I promise. I'm sorry that I'm crying. I try not to cry in public."

Archer made a small smile, "I don't care. It's a hard topic. What did he have?"

"Leukemia." I wiped my eyes, "He was diagnosed the summer before junior year. It was an aggressive form and ate away at him. He was a fighter. You was like you; wanted to be a doctor." Archer smiled as I continued, "He wanted to work with children. We were both accepted into the University of Utah. But when he passed away I had to move as far as I could. Couldn't bear living the life we were supposed to do together."

"I bet he's really proud of you." He gave my hand a small squeeze.

I wiped at my tears, "I'm a mess, I'm so sorry."

"Kitherine Grey. Do not be ashamed. You're one hell of a girl."

I laughed, "What did you call me?"

"Kitherine ." It sounded like Katherine.

"Kit isn't short for anything."

"I figured but that's what I am going to call you. Enough about this sad stuff that happens in our lives, I'm hungry. Now, I am thinking sushi."

rush week ||frat boy niall au||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang