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             "Welcome to English 101. I'm professor Callahan. I don't really care on your big aspirations in life. All I care about is getting a big fat check. I do hope you all pass my class and move on in life. Anyway now I'm not going to go around the room and have all 35 of you introduce yourselves. That would be a waste of your time and mine. So let's get to the nitty gritty of it all. You will be expected to write eight essays total before the semester ends." He leaned against the podium at the front of the room. "And they better intrigue me or I will throw them in the trash. If you think that I'm going to hold your hand. You are clearly mistaken. But you will develop many skills in my class." He went on lecturing to the full classroom. The walls were a crème color with no posters or inspirational quotes to persuade you NOT to drop out. Just empty and plain.

I knew his class would take up the majority of my time. I enjoyed writing essays. They gave me to express my thoughts in a more intellectual way.

          "I hope that you all pass so I never have to see you again. Also, as a reminder, my name is Professor Callahan not Professor C, it is Callahan. I expect you to address me with respect and I shall do the same for you."

          "Psst." I heard someone behind me. I shook it off, I heard it again.

         "Kit." The voice said.

I turned around to see Lucky grinning at me. His smile was infectious.

What?  I mouthed.


Turd. I am trying to pay attention. 

             "Ahem." Callahan cleared his throat. I reluctantly turned my head to face the front. "Is there something you'd like to share that simply couldn't wait Miss-?"

           "Grey. And no, I apologize sir." I returned.

          "Miss Grey has nothing to share, and how about you Mr-?"

         "Horan." Niall filled in, "And no. I just wanted to say hello."

          "Next time wait till after class." He narrowed his eyes at us, "You all get two warnings and then you are gone. And I will not remind you when you have used them up. Learn discipline if you haven't already. High school was suppose to teach you that and if it didn't, this is going to be a rude awakening."

I scooted down in my seat, hiding my shame. Having the professor know your name on the first day isn't the way to go, unless you are like this super genius and they couldn't believe you are sitting in their classroom but sadly, this simply wasn't the case. I looked down at the wooden desk, Shane loves Linda. Whoever Shane and Linda were, I hope they broke up. Carving your name into things that don't belong to you is just bad luck. My grandma told me that is why her first love and her never wed.

            "He carved our initials into a tree and gave me the most beautiful diamond I had ever saw and that's when the world went crazy. The war came, and he got drafted into the army. He promised he'd return that we'd be together forever. But I never saw him again. And it's because he carved on that darn tree."

            "Now, that is all for today." Callahan concluded, "Have a great rest of your day."

I collected my own and notebook filled with information for his class. Email, important dates, due dates, office hours, etc.

A shadow hovered over me, "Thanks for getting me in trouble back there."

         "Oh I got you in trouble?" I looked up to see a rather giggly Lucky. "You are the one who was distracting me."

         "Oh Kit. Kit. Kit. Kit."

         "That's my name." I stood up and slung my bag over my shoulder, "Don't wear it out." Oh my god. I sounded like a nineties movie.

          "So, do you feel better?"

           "Yeah, lots. After I got some food, lots of water, and pain meds in me."

           "Good. I'm glad to hear. Can I walk with you?"

I hesitated, "Uh, sure. Why not?"

             "You're a lot nicer than I thought you'd be." Niall spoke as we crossed across campus. The sun was out and warming my skin. In Idaho, we would have snow by now. At least three inches before Halloween.

              "What did you expect?" I asked curiously.

              "Well, most girls that I try talking to just usually brush me off. They think I am after one thing and one thing only." He shrugged.

              "Well are you?"

               "I mean I want the one thing but that's not the case always. It's nice talking to a girl and having a genuine conversation. You know we can exchange ideas or talk about mutual interest. It's nice when they aren't thinking there is a catch."

                "Now, I'm worried. Is there a catch to this?" I smirked at him.

He grinned, the sun brought out the blue in his eyes. Like an ocean, clear and calm. I felt calmer somehow looking into those eyes, "Getting lost in my beauty?"

His remark snapped me out of the daze, "Sure."

                   "So what were you and Blondie arguing about at the diner?" He questioned. "If you don't me asking. Seemed like it was getting pretty good."

I chuckled, "Oh nothing. Reggie asked me on a date and I agreed. Stupid girl stuff."

                   "Ahh, was she jealous that the hot frat president wants ya?" He wiggled his eyebrow.

                    "No, she is all for me going on a date. As for me, I don't really feel like dating."

                    "I see. Bad breakup from back home?" I instantly though of him. How perfect and wonderful he was. The way he'd make the corniest jokes and his laugh. But he was gone now.
                     I made a smile, "You could say that."


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