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Waking up the next morning nearly killed me. Doing shots and drinking a bunch of jungle juice was not my finest moment.

Neither was waking up in Reggie Adams' bed. I sat up in disbelief as I tried to piece together the night.

God— can I do one night of drinking without getting totally plastered? Maybe my tolerance will start to build up.

I looked around the massive room, when Georgia and I first stayed here; we were in some guest room. It was an empty room except for a bed but Reggie informed me that once they've selected the official new brothers, it would be filled. I felt bad for the guy who had to stay in that room, the bed was old and the springs poked into my back.

However, Reggie's bed was soft and plushy. I felt like I was sleeping on a cloud. Not to mention his comforter was nice and warm. I've gotta give it to Reggie, he sure knew how to decorate. But if I were the senator's son; I'd hire a interior decorator myself.

I looked over at the nightstand and to my surprise there was a bottle of Advil, Gatorade, and a note.


Good morning. I hope you slept well, I didn't want to wake you up since you looked so peaceful in my bed. But when you do get up, there is some Advil and something to drink. Please take it right away and meet me downstairs. Your clothes are folded on the couch but feel free to wear mine home.

- Reggie

(Also Georgia made it home last night safely, scouts honor.)

I had totally forgotten about Georgia. Last night was all a blur. I swung my legs on the side of the bed and reached for the pill bottle.

Popping out two pills, I chugged some of the yellow drink and swallowed the meds. My eyes drifted over to the clock on the nightstand— 8:30.

"Shit!" I threw the blankets off. I had class at 10, and I couldn't miss it. I ran over to the couch and grabbed the shorts I had worn and slipped them on. I didn't feel like taking off Reggie's shirt so I grabbed the cowboy boots and tube top and ran downstairs.

"Reggie?" I called as I made my way down the stairs. I surveyed the living room; it was cleaned spotless. No plastic cups or liquids littered the floor. It didn't even look like a party was thrown.

"Reggie?" I called again.

"Morning sunshine." Reggie strolled into view. He was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans.

"How the hell do you look so good at 8 in the morning?" I was dumbfounded.

He chuckled, "I have to go to work soon. So that's the only reason why I look somewhat passable."

I rolled my eyes, "you always look passable."

He held out his hand and I placed mine on his and descended the rest of the staircase. "You look good in my clothes."

I couldn't help the blush that crawled onto my cheeks, "Um thanks. I promise I'll return it washed and everything."

"Don't worry about it. Come on, let's get you home." We walked outside, the sunlight burned my eyes.

"Feeling okay?" He asked.

"God no, how come every time I come here I wake up hungover? Someone needs to stop me." He lead me to towards a black BMW. Of course, he drove a BMW. He held open the passenger door as I climbed in. His car smelt just the way he did. Mint.

"I enjoy having you spend the night. However, I'd enjoy it more if we got to wake up together." He spoke as he climbed in, "maybe you'll have to stay the night when we don't throw a party and you aren't hammered."

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