T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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A U T H O R ' S N O T E:

Hi y'all,

I just wanted to write a quick lil note. I have been going back and forth and reading and making plans for the rest of the book and I lied to you all..

-Rush Week will be MORE than 35 chapters; I was just thinking there is not enough time to share the story of Kit with only 12 chapters left, that would be foolish. That being said; I do not know how many chapters I want to write but yeah.

-The second book will not be called Fraternity Rising. I just don't like the name. It will be called Philanthropy Week ( weird name but I have had a LOT of time dealing with the Greek system while attending college and I really enjoy it when the organizations are in philanthropy week.) Plus I think it fits better with Rush Week

Now that I have cleared up my errors; I am looking for someone to create some new covers for me. If you or anyone that you know is good with photoshop, hit me up! I am wanting to revamp some covers of mine. And ya girl is NOT good with making covers.

Without further ado-- I present Chapter 23

all the love, T

"Thank you for coming." I made a small smile at Niall. I was worried he wouldn't want to hear from me. I mean I wouldn't want to hear from me either.

"Yeah, it's no biggie. I hope you weren't stressing too much." He spoke.

I instantly thought to the panic from half an hour ago— I bit my thumb as I paced around my room after my class. As happy as I was— I couldn't deny the intense amount of guilt I was feeling.

I unlocked my phone and stared at the screen. Should I text or call him? My hands grew clammy as I thought about all the possible scenarios— he could hang up. He could tell me off, he could stay silent; literally anything would be better than him ignoring me.


I sighed and pressed the call button.

It rang twice, "Kit."

"Hey Niall." My heart flopped.

"What's up?" He asked. His voice was low and unenthusiastic. I can't say I was surprised but I was definitely hurt.

"Are you busy? Like do you have class or need to go to the house and do pledge stuff? I totally understand if you are busy."

"What do you need?"

"I want to talk to you." I sighed.

"I've got an hour break before my sociology class."

"Meet me in the library in five?" I asked. There was a pause and then-

"Okay." The line went dead before I could respond. I knew I didn't own Niall an explanation but he deserved an apology. I had bailed on him and I knew he was hurt and I couldn't imagine how it must've felt.

"Not too much." I tucked a stray stand of hair behind my ear as I lied to my friend sitting in front of me. "However, I do want to apologize."

"Kit, it's okay." He dismissed me, "it's no biggie. I get it. Life is crazy and your life stretches out further than our study sessions. You don't owe me anything."

"Yes I do. Friends don't bail on the other. I had plans with you first."

"Why are you taking this so hard?" Niall asked. I hadn't asked myself that. "And don't say it's because you are my friend. Friends are allowed to make mistakes and slip up. Why do you feel like it's not okay that you forgot a simple thing?" 

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