Chapter 24 - A Witch In Red

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I was standing on a round platform in my underwear, as three gold eyes examined me with their hands on their chins. The brunette one tilted her head to the side and said, "You have small boobs."

"Fuck off." I spat in retaliation. "Are you going to continue to stare at me or do whatever it is you need to do because I just want to go back to my room."

They all snarled in sync and got out some small measuring tapes and started to work. I never knew trying on wedding dresses would be so boring and offensive.

After measuring everything on me, they whisked away to a back room leaving me alone.

The walls around me were dark brick and the floor was white marble. The room was dim but had enough light for the demons to know what they're looking at. The room had been locked from the outside and it was completely soundproof.

I put up a fight when the 'guards' came in to take me out, but it only ended with me getting a slap to my right cheek. They trusted me enough to stand and look pretty without being chained, but I would have rathered it than putting up with the she demons.

They came rushing out with a dark red dress in their hands. They forcefully put it on me and the attached corset, tying it a little too tight. They turned me to look in the mirror at the mermaid shaped dress with the overly proofed bottom and started adjusting things.

"You look very bloated." The raven-haired one stated as they all stared at me.

"It makes you look like a sea plant."

"You need to cut your hair."

They took the dress off me and rushed back into the room they came from. I could finally breathe again and I felt like my rib bones weren't about to snap. But don't worry, they came back with another dress and repeated the same procedure of not letting me speak my opinion.

The dress was so short the bottom of my ass was sticking out and the top lace was so thin it was practically see-through. Sequins were digging into my skin through the thin material and I overall just felt itchy.

The girls threw more insults at me and took the dress back to the room.

I never imagined myself shopping for a wedding dress, mainly because I never thought I'd get married. A part of me is sad this is my first experience but another is telling me to enjoy it because it'll probably never happen again.

Finally, they returned with another dress that looked bigger than the others. When they turned me to the mirror I was honestly... Shocked.

It was a burgundy ball gown that flowed out the perfect amount - not too big, not too little. Lace covered the top of the skirt, the torso and the off the shoulder sleeves. I felt like a princess going to marry her prince — minus the prince. I felt actually... Beautiful. I was so close to shedding a tear. Is this what it feels like to try on wedding dresses? Am I supposed to be low key emotional?

"With the right jewelry I think we can make with work." The redhead declared.

They all nodded in agreement before the brunette one stood on the dress so she could get behind me on the platform, putting her hands on my shoulders. "I'd rather put you in the most disgusting, horrifying dress in all of existence so Malphas can realize how much of an ugly skank you are."

"Go for it," I replied, moving my head so I could reach her eyes. "I'd rather live as an ogre than marry that trashy piece of shit."

"He's not trashy!" She screeched in my ear, making them ring. The other girls pulled her away in time for the door to unlock and open.

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