Chapter 15 - Dead Blue Eyes

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"Is there any way we can pry the bars apart?" Rem rushed as we were all on high alert.

I could hear Avernus let out a grunt that sounded like he had tried to. "They're too strong."

"Well, um, Adria, are you able to get the vine off your leg?"

"I can't touch it. There's got to be some way we can get out of here." I looked to the roof and the identical walls around me. There were no windows to climb out of and no secret exits to use.

The rattling came from Rina's cell. She had her hand reaching up to the lock, holding something to try and pry it open. After a couple of fiddles, there was a clicking noise and the lock fell to the floor. We all stared at her with a mix of shock and impressiveness.

"Bobby pins." She smiled, looking proud of herself. She quickly got to work on the rest of our locks quietly until we were all free. She moved over to me and stared at the Industria Vine, trying to figure out how to remove it without causing any more harm.

"Just rip it off," I told her. "Like a bandaid."

"What if you scream and alert someone passing by?"

Avernus quickly removed the shirt from his body and passed it to me. "Put it in your mouth to muffle your scream." I carefully took the shirt from his hand, my fingers grazing over his. I tried not to ogle at his almost six-pack and skin that looked softer than the clouds.

This reminds me that I probably owe him a new coat now.

A shoved the shirt into my mouth and immediately cringed at the taste of salty sweat. Disgusting. I inhaled so I could prepare my body for the pain, but no air reached my lungs as Rina ripped the vine out. My screams weren't muffled as much as we thought, and a couple of tears fell down my cheek.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Rina repeated over and over again. "I thought the faster I ripped it off the less you'd be in pain!"

I removed the shirt from my mouth and chucked it to Avernus. "It's fine, the pain is bearable. At least the blood will blend into my... Dress..." We all gawked at the wound in my leg. The blood was retracting into my body and the holes were closing up.

"That is one of the grossest things I've ever seen," Rem says.

"Maybe the vine not only takes away but heals?" Avernus pondered, still shirtless.

"Maybe..." I can't believe my leg was now spotless. Maybe we should start using these vines medically or something.

"You know," Rem started. "This is cool and all, but we have a chance to escape and I'd say we do it now before someone comes to check on us."

Rina held her hand out for me to take. After helping me off the floor, we all made silent moves towards the metal door. I pressed my ear against the cold metal and tried to hear for any movement outside. It was dead silent. I grabbed the handle and pushed it, only to not get let through.

"Somethings behind it," I told everyone.

Avernus tried to kick the metal door down, but it wasn't budging. Rina didn't have anything else to help us and Rem didn't have anything useful either. I starting filing through my brain to find every spell I've ever been taught, looking for a useful one.

"Avernus, step back." He didn't protest, going to stand behind me with the others. "I don't know if this will work, but it's all I got." I rubbed my hands together and took deep breaths, calming my body and trying to control the small amount of energy flowing through me. I raised my hands in the direction of the door, pulling them back then pushing the energy surrounding me with force.

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