Chapter 6 - Exiled

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The whispers coursing through the room became background noise.

The air around us became thick.

I let out a shaky breath when I turned to look at Kylon's reaction. He looked like a puppy that had just been kicked. His eyes became watery and his mouth quivered, trying to form words. "P-please Father Brackon, don't... Don't do this please."

"You made a mistake. This is the consequence." Father Brackon said. "May the Dark Angel have mercy on you."

He turned around and started walking up the stairs. I watched as everyone looked at us with pity even though half of them didn't care.

Kylon has been working so hard for the past couple of years to become the High Priest Apprentice. I watched him every night sit in his room with books all around him, studying so he would be able to impress Father Brackon. I watched as he convinced Father Brackon that I'm a good person, even though I make dumb mistakes. He's always had my back.

And now it's time I have his.

"Father Brackon, wait!" I ran up to the staircase and took the first few steps as he turned around. "Please, you can do whatever you want with me — I know it's my fault and I shouldn't have made such a selfish decision, but I'm going to fix it! Don't punish Kylon for my mistakes. I know he also made the same mistake, but it's because he only wanted to help me because that's the type of person he is and that's why you made him your apprentice. Exile me, but let Kylon stay."

Father Brackon observed me for a second before opening his mouth. "I will not take back my decision."

The smell of death reached my nose, making me pinch it in disgust. Father Brackon walked down the steps and stopped next to me, looking at something. Everyone turned in the direction he was looking to see the bloodbath bubbling. He walked over to it, stuck his hand in and pulled out a note.

The Dark Angel must have made his decision.

I held my breath as Father Brackon met my eyes. "Kylon can stay, but you cannot."

I heaved a sigh of relief and so did Kylon. "Thank you, Father." He said with a nervous smile. "You won't regret this."

Father Brackon still kept his eyes on me as he spoke, "You will fix this problem you have created using no resources provided from this coven, do you understand?"

"Yes, Father." I nodded.

He turned his gaze to Kylon and said, "If you want to keep your position as my apprentice, you will not give an ounce of help to her."

"I won't," Kylon said reluctantly. They held eye contact for a while, silent thank you's coming from Kylon and silent threats coming for the High Priest.

"Everyone can go back to what they're doing." The High Priest addressed the other witches and warlocks. His eyes bored into mine. "You have work to do."


I sat on the stool with my knees pulled to my chest, sipping on some feverfew tea. I don't think the reality of being coven-less has set in yet, but I'm sure it will in no time. Why did the Dark Angel just let me go without much consequence? It makes my skin crawl thinking that he may have a better way of killing me, by making me return the demon.

How am I suppose to send demons back to hell? Demons that have not been seen for almost twenty-four hours.

Oh well, I'll figure it out in the morning when the contents of the feverfew are in my system.

Kylon gave me the biggest, heartwarming hug when we got home. I don't think he's hugged me like that since we were kids. He whispered a million thank you's in my hair as he crushed me with his arms. A moment I will treasure for however long I'm going to live.

Footsteps walked into the kitchen and dumped a bunch of ingredients on the table. Chocolate, eggs, milk, and a bunch of other things were laid out in front of me as Kylon grabbed a tray from the cupboard.

"What's all this?" I asked, carefully setting down my delicious plant tea.

"I figured that you will be working hard, so I have decided to make some brownies." He smiled. "We also have a guest coming to stay with us."

"What? Who? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I mirrored a friend I met when I went to Latross a couple of years back last night. When everything went to shit, I figured we would need help from an outsider's perspective." He explained. Latross was an island located somewhere in the east that Kylon had to stay at for a couple of months. "Maybe they can even make sure you don't get hunted by witch hunters consider you no longer have a coven."

"When are they getting here?" I asked, ignoring his comment.

"Any minute now." I looked down at my pink robe and white bunny slippers. "Yeah, you should change."

I rolled my eyes and got out of my seat and ran upstairs to change into some leggings and a redshirt. Red was apparently my dads favourite colour. I skipped back downstairs to my seat and stole a piece of chocolate. "So, any news from your parents?"

"Not yet, but they will find out eventually."

"Maybe they'll send a good luck cake." I joked.

"Or one of disappointment." He teased.

Knock knock.

Before I could get up to answer the door, Kylon beat me to it. I heard his voice greeting someone and chuckling. When he walked back into the kitchen, he wasn't alone.

Standing next to him was a man slightly taller than him that looked about the same age, but could fool people that he was younger. His hair was a black side part that looked softer than a pillow. He had broad shoulders, wearing a black trench coat with the peak of a turtle neck underneath. His face was very boyish but also had a mature look to it. Overall he was very handsome.

"Adria, this is my friend Avernus from Latross." Kylon introduced us.

"Nice to meet you." I nodded before taking a sip of my tea.

"Likewise." He nodded back. His voice was smooth with a bored undertone.

"I'll show you your room so you can unpack." Kylon ushered Avernus upstairs who was holding his suitcase.

Wait a minute, did my cousin just get me a babysitter?

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