Chapter 27 - The Soaring Birds

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"The fire burns strong, dragging you to the depths where you belong. Combre comlata graci latas. The fire burns strong, dragging you to the depths where you belong. Combre comlata graci latas..." The coven stood around the pentagram as the demons slithered through the portal to hell.

The coven had come prepared for a ritual.

I was seated on the only intact pew with Eleanor healing me.

Eleanor Brackon is a viper witch. It's only rare that a witch will grow the powers of a viper — they must have a direct connection to the elders. She can heal by touching your skin and most of the time doesn't have to use spells to use her magic.

Her red hair smelt like coconut and her hands felt like silk. I've never had a lot of run-ins with Eleanor, but the times I have she's been one of the kindest people to walk this land.

"Is it still aching?" She questioned, gently adding pressure.

"Only a little but I'll be fine."

"Come to me if you feel any worse. I'm going to be healing the wolves if you need me." She smiled warmly and walked to the wolves who were licking themselves and each other. Only a little disgusting, but they probably have a reason for it.

The coven closed the portal and started helping each other with their wounds.

Nate stood up from helping a woman and looked around at everyone. "Is anyone seriously injured?"

I stood up from the pew and walked past Rem and Avernus to the wall Rina was still stuck to. Kylon was trying to talk to her but wasn't getting the responses he wanted.

"She's still possessed," Kylon told me.

"How do we get the demon out of her then?"

"I'll search the library for an exorcism ritual. Until then we might have to knock her out."

"I'll do it."

I step closer to a thrashing Rina. Her eyes still had golden flecks and her dress was as ripped as mine. I looked back to Kylon for help.

"Touch her temple and say Selem noturo."

I followed his directions putting two fingers on her ice-cold temple.

"You're all going to die!" She gritted out, refusing to stay still. "Lord Malphas will return and he will enslave all of you mutts and fairies!"

"Selem noturo." Rina's head dropped forward, immediately unconscious. "Hold her carefully, please," I instructed a warlock. He detached her carefully from the wall and held her bridal style, walking to sit on the pew I once was.

"Well isn't this a mess." Kylon laughed as he browsed the room. "I always knew your wedding would be crazy."

"Yeah well, have an arranged marriage to a big-headed demon has got to be the craziest." I sighed. "How did the coven and the pack know we were here?"

"The crows lead us here."

"So the Elders knew where we were."

"No, they had nothing to do with the elders." He shook his head. "Five days ago a woman showed up on the coven house doorstep. Her names Amala and she claims she can speak to animals — a susurro. She said a murder of crows kept pestering her day and night so she finally started to talk to them. They said you had been captured by a pack of wolves and need help. Since you warned me about the demon watching me, Father Brackon and I would write down the plan in a book we would pass between ourselves every day. We sent out some coven members to follow the crows to the pack while Amala stayed with us."

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