Chapter 12 - Marry Me

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Rina and I sat on hay bails on one side of the carriage whilst the boys sat on the other. We had been making small talk about whatever we could go past time, all surprisingly interested in what the others had to say.

"... So I fell in a grave and lived there for three days." Rem ended his story.

We all lightly chuckled before Avernus asked, "So you've never found another Rem?"

"No," he shook his 'head'. "I've seen a lot of weird things, but I've never found another me. Thank god." He spoke with happiness, but we could all see the deep-rooted sadness.

I can't even imagine being the only one of my species, all alone in a woods that hide secrets like they're diamonds. I hate to say it, but I think I'd die within three days.

"But it's crazy how big the forest is," Rem continued. "I didn't even know there was a whole town in the middle of it, let alone a bunch of witches."

"We're well hidden... Most of the time."

"So what's it's like having these magical powers? Like you could literally make someone fly! Don't you guys live forever?"

"Sadly, we can't make people fly." I sighed dramatically. "But, it's pretty fun most of the time. Magic is basically just a special type of energy that flows through our veins — if we have low energy, we cannot cast spells as strong. As for the aging thing, it's kind of weird. The moment we hit one hundred is when our body starts to naturally die — if that makes sense. We start aging slowly but mostly look like we're twenty when we're five hundred. The five oldest witches in the world are over a million years old — we call them the Elders. They watch over the covens to make sure no wrong is happening, while The Dark Angel looks over everybody."

"That sounds cool but terrifying!" Rina gushed. "You're going to live until you're a million years old?"

"Probably not. I'll be lucky if I get to twenty." I shrugged.

"Do you remember that teacher we had, Mr. Fornsby, who everybody thought was ancient?"

"And everyone called him an old tortoise until he snapped when Jenny Nicholson did and threw a basketball at her face? Man, what a great class that was." I laughed at the memory.

I'll always remember standing in the cold on the basketball court, Jenny failing to shoot the ball in the hoop from close range and then getting yelled at. Everyone could physically feel the air get thicker as she called him an old tortoise and then got a basketball square in the face. He didn't even get fired from that, she just got moved class.

"High school was a trip." I nodded more to myself.

"You didn't have to go to some school to teach you about magic?" Avernus inquired.

"I could of, but that involved getting sent to Alaska, so my aunt and uncle decided to teach me how to control at home. People I've talked to that went to that school said I missed out on some big opportunity to become something, but I think they're full of shit. I much rather of stayed here where everything is familiar."

"What about you?" Rina nodded to Avernus. "Did you go to a normal school?"

"I couldn't," Avernus shook his head and leaned back against more hay bails. "Latross is half humans half Dragonblood. We have our side of the island and they have theirs. In whole, it's about the same size as Hawaii, so it's completely fine. On our side, they have different schools — for variety or some shit — where they teach us the basics you would hear in any other school while also teaching us our origins and how to control our flames."

"Guess you didn't need a lot of help with the flames." I teased.

He gave a quick chuckle before answering, "Believe it or not Adria, but I was the first in my grade to accidentally set the library on fire."

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