Chapter 10 - The Creatures Of Red River

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Avernus and I came to a standstill and observed the trees around us. "Maybe it was just a forest creature?" He suggested, not quite convinced himself.

"I hope," I said, still nervously looking around. I removed the small dagger from my thigh strap and held it firmly, ready to attack whatever was about to come out.

"Good to know you weren't lying about the knives," Avernus muttered before another twig snapped. Our heads whipped behind us to where the noise came from. Avernus placed his finger over his lips, telling me to stay quiet, as he unsheathed his own dagger. He stalked towards the path we had just come from as my heart beat rapidly.

My breath got caught in my throat as Avernus went to swing at a figure with brown curly hair. "Wait!" I shouted and hit the dagger out of his hand. The girl looked between us, bewildered.

Avernus looked at me questionably as I sighed and turned to Rina, who wore a tight long-sleeved black and white striped shirt with blue jeans. Avernus and I returned our knives to their holders. "I told you not to come."

"As I said, I couldn't leave you with some guy you barely know." She shrugged like it was nothing. "You must be Avernus." She smiled and held her hand out for a shake that Avernus hesitantly gave in to.

"Who is she?" He inquired, looking at me confused.

"This is Rina, my best friend that I told not to come on this trip." I glared at the brightly smiling girl.

"I came prepared." She removed her bag and zipped it open to reveal a couple of chefs' knives and metal skewers. "I have enough to protect myself, so you don't have to worry about me."

This woman.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as Avernus just leaned on a tree. "What did you even tell your dad?"

"That I was going on a train ride to visit mum for a couple of weeks. He didn't seem to be bothered and just let me go." She grinned like she was the biggest genius in the world. How am I supposed to convince her to not come? Avernus surely isn't doing anything about it.

"Rina, I've known you for, what, like ten years now? So I know how much you hate bugs and gross stuff, and this trip involves a lot of those things. Remember how I was drowned in a tub of somethings blood?"

"You're my best friend Adria, I will stick by your side through everything, even though I might hate it — it's just what best friends do." She said with a small smile and a half shrug. "Please just let me come." She pouted.

"Avernus?" I gazed at him for help but he only shrugged.

"As long as you don't cause major issues for us, I don't care." Avernus allowed.

"Well, I care!" I exclaimed throwing my hands up. "We've had this conversation before Rina. I don't want you to come."

"Well you know how stubborn I am, so whatever you say will not make me change my mind. Let's go Avernus." She skipped around me and in the direction we were originally going. I glared at Avernus who just smirked and followed her with his hands in his black coat pockets.

I swear the world is really testing me. Why can't people just listen to me? Everything could be so simple if people just listened to what I said.

I reluctantly stomped behind the two as we started moving into the trees.

"So do you have a last name?" I heard Rina ask Avernus.


"Avernus Salvatore. A handsome name for a handsome man."

"Thanks?" He answered, the smirk from before gone.

"Don't worry, Adria likes her men like that; handsome and tall."

"Rina," I groaned, catching up to the two. "Can we not talk about my man preferences?"

"I was just giving him a heads up." She shrugged innocently with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"There's no heads up to give if I'm not interested."

"You say that now..." She smirked as I lightly pushed her.

"You girls know I'm right here, right?" Avernus pitched in, the hint of a smile coming through. "Please don't make me suffer through girl talk this whole trip."

"You allowed her to come so you can deal with it." I reminded him.

"This is going to be fun!" An unknown male voice said from behind us. Rina and I shrieked while Avernus took out his dagger as we all jumped, frightened of the mysterious voice. We quickly turned to find no one standing behind us. "I'm down here."

We all looked to the floor to find a ball of white fluff no bigger than a Jack Russell, with little cat feet peeking out from under the fluff and dark purple human-looking eyes staring at us.

"What the hell is that?" Rina trembled as she used me as a shield.

"I have no idea," I whispered back to her, not taking my eyes off the creature. From all my years living in Red River, I've never seen anything like this — I've never even found a creature that talks like a human being!

"Shoo!" Avernus tried, waving his hands like he was trying to shoo a normal dog.

"Why do I have to be the one to leave?" It groaned and rolled its eyes. "You're technically in my territory."

"Are you going to eat us?" Rina gasped, just looking over my shoulder.

"Yes." It said without emotion, making Rina quiver behind me even more. "I'm joking! I'm just looking for some friends. You guys don't get how lonely it can be out here when everything you meet is either scared of you or tries to eat you."

"So you're harmless?" I demanded this answer, still unsure. I've heard that the creatures of these trees can be tricksters.

"As harmless as a fly, except I won't throw up or pee in your food." Something told me it was smiling.

"So, do you have a name?" Avernus spoke, putting his dagger back where it belonged.

"My name is Rem. I like long walks in the moonlight and brushing up against trees."

"And what are you?"

"A Rem." Avernus and I looked at each other, skeptical.

"You were named after what you are?"

"Well, I just woke up one day in the woods with a voice telling me I was Rem, so I went with it and now we're here." He tilted his 'head'. "So can I come along with you guys?"

We all looked at each other before I shrugged and looked at Rem. "Sure, why not." He gave a little skip and walked closer to us.

"Adr-" Avernus started before I put my finger up to silence him.

"You allowed Rina, I allow Rem." I declared and started walked with Rina and Rem by my side.

"He's just so fluffy." Rina gushed, wanting really bad to stroke the little creature.

"Come on big guy," Rem called back to Avernus. "Don't let me steal the ladies this easily."

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