Chapter 23 - The Grey Paste

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I kicked the door for the twenty-eighth time but nothing budged. I watched as the sun went down and rise once again as the walls felt like they were getting smaller. I haven't heard one person walk past this door since Malphas visited, so it mustn't be heavily guarded. I have tried wedging, throwing and banging everything in this room against this door, but nothing is freeing me from my prison.

I lean my back against the door and slid down, pulling my knees to my chest.

Everything Malphas said to me keeps running through my mind. Maybe he's right. I wear my mothers' jewelry and my fathers favourite colour because it makes me feel close to them. It's not my fault I don't know how to fully deal with my enormous mummy and daddy issues. I've just found a way to feel closer to them and that's all I could really do.

I had tried the small window above my bed, but it was bolted shut. The outside view was one of a forest with mountains in the distance.

I swear I'm never going into a forest again.

I miss my bed. My bathroom. My mirror of reflection that I should have listened to. I just want to go home and forget everything that's happened. But I don't want to forget Rem and Avernus — they're nice to have around.

A knock on the door made me jump out of my skin and off the floor. There was no sound of anyone coming, so does that mean from my room I can't hear the outside?

I stepped away from the door and in came Malphas holding a tray with a bowl on top. He made sure he didn't open the door too wide and gracefully walked to the bedside table and placed the tray down. My stomach grumbled as I stepped towards the bowl, but when I saw the grey pasty contents I was miraculously full.

"Eat up." He clapped. "Wouldn't want you to starve to death."

"What the hell is that? It smells like a troll den."

"It's nutritious."

I side-eyed the bowl while keeping Malphas in my peripheral vision, watching him sit in the chair he was the day prior. He stretched his arm out and pulled a red rose from the sleeve of his tuxedo, holding it out to me with a grin. I slapped it to the ground, only making his grin widen.

"Why don't we have a chat?"

"I don't want to chat with you." I leaned against the wall furthest from him and crossed my arms.

"I'd like you to know I've planned our wedding. It's a beautiful flowery theme and many people are eager to attend."

"I'd rather marry Zeus than you."

"I've scheduled it for two days which gives us enough to get you fitted and beautiful. I've got you the perfect flower girl and music for us to dance to afterward. Then when everything is over we can carry on with my plan."

"Not only are you way too confident in your whole 'plan', but you're also the dumbest demon I've ever seen. Instead of taking over the world when you had the chance, you waited - what, a week? - to get married, just so you didn't feel so lonely. And what even makes you think that I will ever go along with marrying you!" I exclaimed.

"If you try anything I will have the whole region of Red River slaughtered at the snap of my fingers. I'll also bulldoze the town and make it one big temple to worship their King — me." He said cool, calm and collected. "And yes my plan had holes in it, but it makes no difference to my future."

His eyes bore into mine as he pulled a flask out. How many things does this guy have in his clothes? He took a sip then gestured it to me. When he saw I wasn't making a move to take it, he chugged the rest.

"You said you were in prison."

"What?" He said, returning the flask to where it came from.

"Yesterday you said I freed you from your prison. Was it an actual prison or a shitty metaphor?"



"You ask so many questions." He stated. "I suggested that we expand the land of hell by taking over the underworld. Little Mr. Dark Angel wasn't so happy with the idea so when I tried without him he locked me away in a trapping castle. Every turn I made it just sent me to where I began. I did that for centuries."

"And what would you have done with the gods? This sounds like another underdeveloped plan." I teased.

"I would have made them bow down to me!" He exclaimed, getting annoyed.

"You'd turn into dog food before you even entered the gates."

"I would have had that mangy mutts heads on a spike."

"You have an exciting imagination."

He stood up from his chair and took two strides before he was standing face to face with me. He curled his silky hand around my neck applied some pressure.

"You think you can make fun of me?!" He shouted in my face.

"You have... Anger issues." I choked out.

"Keep talking and see what happens you little bitch." He holding getting stronger.

But I couldn't help myself.

"You're the one... Who wants... To marry me."

His eyes glowed gold and his face went a deep grey colour. His fangs started to grow, as he flicked his tongue out to taste the air around me. The wrath in his eyes made me think he might snap my neck. Maybe he would have realized his plan was stupid and just get rid of me — send me right to hell into his little prison.

But instead, he threw me, my head ricocheting off the ground. I gulped for air and rolled to my back as my head started pounding again.

If I didn't have a concussion before I definitely do now.

He glared down at me with disgust and snarled, "Eat your food or you can starve." Then he stomped to the door and slammed it behind him.

My stomach growled, reminding me of my hunger.

I grabbed onto the side of the bed and pulled myself up onto it. I grabbed the bowl from the tray and brought it up to my nose.

What giants foot did they sever to make this? This shit stinks so bad it makes a corpse smell like flowers.

I picked up the spoon that was also on the tray and stirred the paste. It was thick and slugging. I got a spoonful and plopped it back into the bowl, looking at it keep its shape while slowly melting.

But something was sticking out of it.

It looked like a stick or a knitting needle.

I walked with the bowl to the bathroom and wrapped some toilet paper around my hand. No way was I getting this goop under my nails or anywhere on my body.

I slowly started pulling the object out then observed it in front of my face. It wasn't a stick. It wasn't a knitting needle.

It was a feather.

A crow's feather.

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