Chapter 19 - Like Mother Like Daughter

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My bare feet crushed the leaves and twigs under me. I was shrouded in complete darkness, trees reaching up to the sky surrounding me.

"Kylon!?" I shouted into the abyss but got no reply.

Where is he? He was here a second ago.

"Kylon where are you!"

I stood under a willow tree and huffed. He'll help an elderly woman cross the street but won't wait for little ole slow-walking me.

Something wet dripped onto the tip of my nose. Of course, it would start raining now. It dropped onto my skin again, landing on my cheek this time — It was fairly warm. I took my thumb and wiped the water off the cheek and didn't think much of it. I placed my hand out to feel for more droplets but noticed a dark liquid on my thumb.

I placed it in front of my face and examined it.

This wasn't rain.

My eyes slowly drifted to the branch above me, another drop splashing onto my forehead. It was too dark to make out what it was, but it was big.

"Blasteia." I sent a ball of energy up to the branch, hoping it would snap and pull down whatever was in it. It worked, and everything went silent as the thing hit the floor. The branch was on fire, allowing me to see what it was.

Bile shot up my throat as I fell to the floor dry heaving.

The blonde hair.

The green eyes.

The scratches and bits of flesh missing.

"No!" I screamed into the dark.


I jolted awake and frantically looked around me. I was in a yellow room, lying on a firm bed, a tube of liquid flowing from a bag into my hand, with people standing around me, looking me up and down. "Where is he? Where's Kylon?" I desperately asked.

"What? He just mirrored us a moment ago — he's fine." Avernus reassured.

It was a dream.

"What did you see?" Rina quietly asked from next to Avernus as I sat up.

"I was walking in the forest with Kylon and then he disappeared. I found him in a tree mauled to bits." I looked to my hands and sucked in the tears. It felt almost too real to be a dream. "Where am I?"

"The nice werewolves gave you your own room to be unconscious in." Rem piped up from the armchair he was sitting in, back to his normal fluffy self.

"How did you do that thing back there? You grew a tail."

"I don't know, something awoke inside me. I think I blacked out for a second there."

"Enough about Rem — how do you feel?" Rina interjected.

How do I feel? "I feel like I've slept for a millennium but while I was asleep a train was running over my head. What happened? Why did I pass out."

"I guess the demons got called back to Malphas," Avernus said. "They all just got up and left with the crows chasing them."

"Even the ones that bodies were split in half." Rem said. "They just glued themselves together and left. All that was left was pools of black blood."

"Immediately after that, you passed out from extremely low energy levels. All the magic and the effect of the Industria vine took a toll on you. We brought you here and the pack doctor has been monitoring you."

"So they're not keeping us captive anymore?" I inquired.

"They've been kind of... Weird."


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