3. Kiss Me, Beloved

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Their day-to-day activities were on hold because of what happened to her sister, Rie and their new friend, Indali, the Dragon King's youngest sister.

Some horrible events affected their daily routine. Her security detail was tightened even more. This time she was guarded by a powerful mix of wolves, vampires, and dragons. She should be afraid since she and Rie were humans. Far from it. They felt secure. All the time.

She was forbidden to go out, she didn't mind that much, she did not want to go to clubs or parties nor did she have many friends. The comforts she might have needed were provided at home.

Maestro Roberto was instructed by Alexander, her powerful brother-in-law, to conduct her music lessons inside the estate. The teacher readily agreed and well the other professors had no choice. Apparently, Xander's business partner owned major stocks at Juilliard's and entrusted him with the business while his friend was gone.

Overall it had been a tediously boring day. She had a lot of energy to spend. She did and played with her nephews and niece. Yet, she was too restless to get some much-needed rest.

Mish hasn't had a good night's sleep since the attacks, worried for her sister, Rie. She knew Lucas, her mate, a Dragon King would care better for her than she could. He was doing exactly that when she left the library.

Her lips lifted in a faint smile. Lucky Anna Marie, her sassy sister. The man was drop-dead Greek God gorgeous -not as gorgeous as her beloved- and he was crazy over her.

Frowning, Mish looked at the ceiling. Ridiculous. Why would she be so obsessed with the man she had been dreaming of for such a long time, she didn't know. It was inevitable. He had been a part of her since she was young.

Staring at the crystal chandelier in her bedroom, twinkling softly in the partial darkness, courtesy of the moonlight beaming from outside, she could see clearly enough.

Time to sleep.

Touching her throbbing neck, she started counting. Her heart followed the beat and her breathing became shallow, her greenish-brown eyes began to droop. 59 58 57 56 55.......

-Startled, she woke up and found herself on the bedroom's balcony.

-How did she get here?

-She folded her arms below her unbound breasts, closed her eyes, and tilted her face toward the brilliant moon, her lush lips lifted. The night breeze was biting. She loved it even though she was wearing a flimsy silk chemise -a new habit of hers to feel sexy- she smiled delightfully. There was peace at the moment. She hadn't felt this way in a long time.

-Then her skin pricked. The hair on her arms and nape stood, creating goosebumps. She twirled around and gasped.

-"Beloved," Mish breathed in reverence. He was watching her with his hard ice-blue eyes. His face was taut and his whole body tensed, expecting her to bolt. She inwardly frowned.

-She did run. To him. There was never any doubt he would catch her in his arms. He did. Her limbs locked around his trim waist and his arms felt like a band of steel on her slender back. Holding her securely. No words escaped his lips, yet his eyes said it all.

-Pained longing and yearning, his desire for her. His love. Tears filled her eyes. She felt the same. She was in love with him the moment she started dreaming of him.

-"Kiss me. Please, my heart." He growled. Excited by her request. What he did next made her arch her back. He dipped his head and sucked on her tattoo. Ravenous for her. There was a pin-prick pinched then it was gone. Replaced by pure sensation. Pure pleasure. She moaned and clutched his burnished gold hair tightly. Feeling wanton, her bare legs pulled his hips closer to her body, rubbing herself on his defined torso.

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