28. Knowing

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Her beloved Xavier and her sisters' mates were back unexpectedly. Their mission was cut short. No one knew why and no one was willing to talk amongst the kings and their trusted entourage.

Despite their tough and austere personality, they could not hide their emotions from their respective queens. Nor the uncertainties in their hearts because they felt it, too.

Moot point. Their mates and beloveds knew them like no other. Eventually, they would let them in and cease keeping vital news from their women.

"Beloved?" She touched his lean cheek where a muscle had been ticking since he arrived. "What's wrong?"

Coming home from another tedious dinner with their guests, her patience was running thin. Even so, Xavier was the love of her life, he was the exception to the temper always simmering beneath the surface when she transitioned to a powerful vampire.

Xavier stared at her with his icy-blue distinct cores, trying to decide if it was wise to get her involved.

"Don't, my love," Mish warned, pulling him tighter to her, her breasts on his torso, she gazed up at him, determination written in hers. She stopped their midnight stroll abruptly. Facing each other, he couldn't hide from his vehemence anymore. "I am tougher than you think."

"I know and it distresses me so." He grunted before lifting her, leading her to the steps to their favorite gazebo, a secluded spot.

Stressed with the knowledge that she possessed his powers, knowing she couldn't just seat on the sidelines and would rather fight with him. "Why, Xav?" Mish comprehended his actions perfectly.

"War is coming." Was what he said first, before tugging her down to his lap, his arms caged her to him. Letting him, she laid pliant as he held her.

All the while mulling over his announcement, she pursed her lips. "We've fought one recently. We won despite Ruby's best effort." Beyond that fateful day, she struggled so hard to keep what they had now. But the decision was predestined.

"Yes, we did." He nuzzled her neck, where his mark on her lies, taking a deep breath of her scent. "This time is very different. Deadlier. From his side and ours. The loss of lives could be catastrophic."

"How so?" His revelation did not bode well. He and the kings if anything were fearless in the face of their enemies. To hear her beloved say these words made her shiver in fear.

Groaning before answering, he shook his head, still hesitant, always trying to protect her. She gathered his face to her bosom, feeling how conflicted he was. "Tell me."

He sighed heavily. "King Ulysses. He was once a comrade. Our equal in every way. Yet, the Angel of Darkness had recruited him to his cause. Now, we know why." Rubbing his face on her tender flesh, he groaned feelingly. "I can't kill him. I must make him see reason. But I don't know if he will listen. He wants to resurrect his dead son with the help of Uzza and the Druid."

She gasped. Realizing the implications. "Uzza?" This was the first time she heard the name. "And why is he so powerful?"

"The fallen Angel of Darkness was cast out from the heavens and cursed for eternity to remain in the bowels of the earth." He paused, thinking of their history. "Uzza was the leader of the first legion who came down from their kingdom to establish order in the supernatural world. Lucifer's sire was the king of the heavens, of gods and goddesses known to men. To us."

"What happened?" Fascinated with his story, not written in any books in his library, she urged.

"He wanted this place to himself. Enslave us and humankind. The High King discovered his plan and punished him and his legion. But before Uzza went, he kidnapped Lucifer's twin brother Castiel, the eldest and heir to the throne. Never to been seen again." He answered.

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