32. Discernment

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The heat from the scorching sun beat down on him while he attacked. Uncaring, numb from pain, he didn't feel anything. Functioning in a trance, his doing, he slashed and broke bodies. Nuisances, all of them.

The vicious Vampire King, his friends, Lucas and Alexander had invaded a small town in the province of Mexico, showing their true colors to the enemies. Creating havoc. Attacking warlock villages. With a sheer fucking will, destroying everything in their paths.

Philip Dale's seat of power had turned to ashes. His residence in Ireland had fared the same. Not an ounce of mercy for the lowlife responsible for his wife's death.

Gone were their sweet side known by their mates, replaced by savagery.

He knew nothing else. His heart and soul died when she did.

This was the most frightening emotion in his existence. Feeling his soul breaking from hers when their bond was unexpectedly severed.

Unfathomable suffering.

Unbearable in its intensity. Deadening. He became a killing machine. To maim and destroy, his true aim.

This was him now. Forever lost, he had no Anna Michelle to come home to.

Until the Necromancer Lord showed his face, Xavier was prepared to destroy his race. Starting with his triplet of sluts. Instinct told the king they were somehow a part of this.

Spies and soldiers were out hunting for the fucker's brood. They had yet to figure out how he escaped the private jet's cockpit, saving his ass, while leaving the queens to die, but he would pay dearly.

Vengeance was his only purpose before he joined his beloved's soul in eternal bliss. He could no longer live in this world without her by his side. He would abdicate, and leave his throne for his sister and brother-in-law. Had no heir of his to pass down to.

He thought he had everything in his grasp before he left her. He wished he never left her out of his sight. Could have been home with her. Enjoying her demands. Indulging her every whim. He never would have lost her.

Soul bound, he felt the tether connecting them snap. Madness was the most of what governed him at this point. He had no care in the world except for revenge.

Alexander, in his lycan, his human gone upon learning of his Anna's demise, approached him stealthily, the ground vibrating from his thunderous fury, massive maw dripping with blood, to communicate properly was in the past. Growling and snarling, he jerked his head, indicating he wanted to talk.

Michael, the Royal Beta, in his human, grimaced at them. He and Oliver had tried their best to let them see reason but nothing worked anymore. Up in the sky, a golden dragon roared, spitting deadly fire.

Humanity had left the three kings.

"What is it?" Xavier asked the beta.

"We found a rogue that reeked of those whores' scent. Alexander wants you to read his blood." Michael informed.

"Of course. It would be my pleasure." Xavier smirked cruelly. His vision focus on one thing, he let his vampire beast take over.


Julie and Her Sisters

Ignoring her sisters' moans as they service the men, she faced him, unashamed of her naked state.

They were rewarding the pilots who brought their father to safety. 

"What do you want us to do?" She asked, staring at her new master warily. These past few days had been life-altering for them, discovering the truth behind the Greyson's wealth. They coveted it. Inspired, ideas came to mind, giving them a powerful weapon to destroy Delia's nieces. And they had succeeded.

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