23. Like Drinking Wine

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Mature Content 18+

"I love you, beloved. More than words can say." Weightless in his hold, she burrowed deeper into his chest and gave a sigh of satisfaction, lush lips curved in a smile.

"Xavier?" she murmured softly.

"My love?" Studying the place he brought her to, he nodded in satisfaction.

"How long was I asleep?" Long enough for him to take her someplace very special to them both.

"For most of the day." He answered smugly. The activities they had indulged in had probably drained his queen.

She perked up. "I want you again." Or not.

He chuckled, shaking his head, laying her body on a thick divan, he leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose.

"Where are we?" Lying on her side, propped on her elbow, she gazed in wonder around her. Food overflowed on tables, portraits, and sculptures were showcased on the walls. "Have I been here before?"

"In our dreams, beloved. We had our first dance here." Those times were precious to him.

Shrugging out of his fur-lined coat, naked, he walked toward his throne. There was a smaller one to his left. "I added this, the moment I knew I would be gifted a beloved."

"This is your kingdom?" Standing slowly, she approached him with bold confidence. His body tensed in anticipation.

"Yes. Tobolsk, Siberia. The capital of our realm. This is where you will ascend the throne." Xavier announced reverently while his hunger for her touch increased.

"Oh, Xav. You wonderful, wonderful man!" She slipped onto his lap and embraced him joyfully, pecking sweet kisses on his face. "How did we get here so fast?"

"My portal. Esme strengthened its protection." The living goddess knew what they needed. Seeing that she would officiate the wedding, she decided to make things easier for the royals.

"All this for me?" Her forefinger grazed his lips. "How do I please you more, my king?"

"You are my sweetest reward from fate and I intend to enjoy you thoroughly," he told her. Desire made his tone rough. He grabbed her arm, jerking her up to him. A second later, he was cupping one of her breasts, powerful fingers gently squeezing her soft mound.

A shudder ran through Mish, realizing his true intent. This was his turn to ravish her. To show her how much he wanted to reveal his true self.

Cupping and squeezing her breast, the force of his fingers gently massaged her mound.

Icy blue eyes were glued on her flushed smooth skin, watching the manipulations of his hand. "So long have I waited for you, beloved." He moaned deep in his throat. "Last night was just a prelude."

Mish moaned, her forehead on his muscled chest, enjoying his touch. Her dusky cherry-red nipples were growing hard, he felt her sex growing moist, responding to him.

Staring up at him, she gasped, noticing the determination in his heavy-lidded eyes. "You are going to drag this out, aren't you?" She uttered feelingly.

"Oh, yes, beloved. No one will disturb us." He promised. "I made sure of it." Instead of hesitation, he saw the soft glimmer of lustful hunger growing in her gaze instead.

Continuing with his obsession, his palm squeezed and plied at her smooth flesh, playing with one breast for several minutes and then the other, caressing her mounds longer, taking this sweet time.

"Baby," she sighed every few moments, staring at his erotic touches.

Under his attention, her nipples grew harder and firmer, blood flowing to the heated areolas and making them stick out, pushing out sensitively for more.

His Symphony (Fated To The Kings: Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now