19. Battles Of The Heart

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Loving every moment they spent with each other since her rescue, thankful they had somehow picked up where they left off two years ago, gave him a reprieve while he built his courage to tell her.

Anna Michelle, his soulmate, would understand the necessary heartbreak they had to suffer. In order to save her, his actions cost them. They would address the circumstances that led to it.  Move forward with her coronation and their wedding as planned. Hopefully, his beloved got her memories back with his revelations. 

He should have confessed everything to her while he had the chance. Last night, his plans had been set in motion and the evening was turning out perfectly. 

Ruined in a blink of an eye. His enemies were back, creating havoc and affecting everyone in his family circle.

The king felt like he was courting disaster. Everything he worked hard for was guaranteed to crash down on him if he was not careful. 

Xavier watched his beloved reunite with her sisters. Anna, the Lycan Queen, Rie, newly mated, the Dragon Queen, Alexie, and Sofia, consoling each other, sobbing their hearts out. His friends, and leaders, watching helplessly, filled with rage that fueled vengeance on their nemesis. 

They wouldn't stop until the Angel of Death, together with his accomplices, were chopped and burned to pieces. Until the supernatural and mortal world was safe again.

After tearful reassurances, they settled with their mates. He pulled Mish to his lap, embracing her securely, and wiping her tears. His heart, beating for her, squeezed in pain. Her nephews and niece meant a lot to her. To them.

Mounted on the walls were cinema-like screens. Alexander, the Lycan King had called for an emergency council meeting. Lucas, the Dragon King had started to extrapolate, presenting hard shreds of evidence. 

They were prepared to go to war. Four powerful kings could not be stopped by elders. He had the second-largest army in all of the realms, hardened soldiers, integrated with the wolves, waiting at his command. 

"May I suggest gathering more evidence before acting..." That was Councilman Rexin, a clan leader in London. Feeling his hackles rising, he was about to respond acidly but Alexander beat him to it.

"I am going to rescue my heirs whether I have your support or not." The Lycan growled savagely.

"And I with him," Lucas seconded. His dragons and riders flew about his estate.

"I've been training my soldiers since I returned," Xavier announced. "They are itching to slaughter those critters."

"I will be present," Lucifer said with a smirk directed at the vampire elder. "My demons are arriving from hell. Cerberus is looking for a new chew toy." His smile grew eviler. Rexin visibly shivered at the undisguised threat.

"I will join you right after this meeting." The council leader, an advocate for the Alliance, and a true friend to the kings, Esmeralda, confirmed. "And we all agree with you. We will go to war." Her declaration left no room for argument with her fellow members who might harbor second thoughts. "Enough is enough. It's time to bring my sister to justice." She added with barely concealed menace.

Silent and observant, he mentally took notes. He had been in isolation for the past couple of years but that doesn't mean he would let anything or anyone pass by him, especially if it threatened the Alliance.

He and the Kings should convene on a later date to reshuffle the panel of councils, some elders they could do without.


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