26. Old Town

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Winter had been extremely harsh these past few days. Hardly venturing out, they preferred to stay indoors, humans especially. Some brave the weather though, the supernatural at least.

Because New York City was the capital of the Alliance.

While not affected much, they appreciated the increase in temperature.

Alexander and Anna in their intimidating wolf form, guarding their heirs while they play were constantly outdoors. The pups enjoyed making snowballs and snow angels.

Today was not much of an improvement. Snow was steadily falling. But the skies were clear enough for planes to land safely.

Their males were outside the lounge, indulging in Cuban cigars and warm brandy, conversing in low tones, their rumbles barely discernible.

Mates and beloveds relaxing, hot thick chocolates, floral teas, and an assortment of pastries overflowed various tables for their enjoyment, while they waited for their guests to arrive.

"You promise to watch your temper, Rie?" Reclining on the leather couch, Mish munched on a piece of warm chocolate croissant.

"I am not promising anything, little sis." The Dragon Queen answered with a frown. Not once in her life did she control her tongue. Especially if it was warranted.

They waited at La Guardia's VIP lounge. Even though Alexander owned a private airport and a fleet of jets and airlines, Anna didn't want to draw attention to her elevated status to Aunt Delia.

Rie on the other hand...

"Marie, really?" Anna asked seriously. Her amber eyes were alight with amusement.

"What?" Rie answered. Trying to look innocent, smoothening down the front of her dress. Alexie chuckled, shaking her head fondly. While Sofia snorted, her eyes approving.

Though the ladies were wearing designer outfits from head to toe -their mates would throw a tantrum if they didn't- the Dragon Queen took it to another level. Pure white diamonds adorned her ears, neck, and wrists. A stark contrast to her long black fur coat. Her extravagance pleased Lucas a lot since it was very rare for her to flaunt the Dragon King's extensive jewelry collection. Today was an exception.

"Okay. I applaud your outfit." Anna praised. "Can't wait to see the look on those bitches' faces."

Their eldest sister reigned in her temper. She and Rie talked last night and she was finally made aware of how the triplets treated Mish back then. Didn't matter if that happened a long time ago. She was still pissed about it.

"Anna," Mish called out. Aware of what her sister was thinking. "Just let it go. Think of Aunt Delia."

"Nope. Aunt Delia, I love. But those three sluts..." Anna paused, taking a deep breath, didn't want to shift in the middle of the airport. Humans didn't know the supernatural existed.

"I'm sure they matured, too." She jested, highly doubting her words. Once a bully, always a bully.

"Why are you defending them?" Rie asked.

Good question. "I don't know." Mish shrugged. "But with our enemies still out there, I didn't want to add more to our list."

Anna sighed heavily. Her baby sister was right. "One chance. And if I can see they haven't changed one bit, I am going to bite their head off."

"You and me, sister dear." Rie seconded.

"Count us in," Alexie and Sofia raised their hands like they were in grade school. They all laughed, loving each other's company.

His Symphony (Fated To The Kings: Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now