29. Wants

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"I should have kept my mouth shut." She said in a hoarse voice, thick with spent tears.

In the middle of their bedroom, eyes downcast, she must have been waiting for him to tell her she was right. "My sister is in pain because of me." Self-recrimination was a bad enough punishment, he had no intention to add more to her misery. Doing so would only hurt him.

'Tis mid-day. He and Mish should be resting. Agitated, he found her pacing their bedroom, wearing down the thick carpet. There was no sense in beating herself. Her sister was stable when he left their guest rooms. Not fit to travel, he had advised Lucas to stay until she fully recovered and his friend complied.

No one was at fault except their enemies. Negotiations with the Unseelie King should be removed from the table. Only Esme's recommendation to hold back gave him and the Kings pause. Though not for long.

Closing the door firmly, he traced to her, gathering her shivering lithe body to his embrace. She stiffened immediately wanting to shy away from his tenderness.

However, he instinctively knew she needed him more than the argument she thought he would be indulging her with.

"Anna Marie and the baby is safe, my love. Otherwise, I wouldn't let her out of my sight. Trust me." Lips on the crown of her hair, inhaling her roses and violets scent deeply, finally relaxing, thankful he was home in her embrace.

"Xavier," her hand caressed his jawline, searching his icy blue depths. "I do trust you. With my life."

"Then let us not grieve, beloved. There is no reason to." Both were weary from the turn of events. Had not seen each other since. "Let me hold you in my arms instead ." The whole household was on edge at the Dragon Queen's situation. Losing the unborn heir would devastate them. He shared the good news with his staff before seeking his wife. "Tell me what would make you happy." Willing to do anything for her.

"I need you to fill me with your seed. Make me carry your heir. That is all I want, Xavier." Fire flashed in her eyes, turning her hazels more midnight red, her vampire beast out to play. Her hands went to the thin strips of her diaphanous nightgown, slowly baring herself to his hungry gaze. His mouth watered gazing at her mark down to her dainty toes.

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"I won't be able to control myself if you keep doing that," he growled nuzzling her throat, his fangs nipping her sensitive flesh.

"Don't. I want you now. Fuck me hard, Fill me with your cum. I want us to conceive." Her demands made him shudder.

She is my life. He thought. His goddamn fucking life. She could do nothing wrong in his eyes.

Her weight, so light and so precious in his arms. His beloved's body. So seductive, so mature, and which she so very much wanted him to admire and covet. A body he wanted to possess again and again. Now he wanted to fuck her and lick her and devour her. And perhaps, this was the moment she would conceive their firstborn.

She collapsed onto the opened bed, completely naked. Slender, smooth legs spread for him. Goddess, what a beauty fate had gifted him. For him. It was luxuriant, decadent, obscenely seductive. Fresh and utterly perfect. Everything about her was perfect...her breasts, her legs, her face, the curves of her hips. He was overcome with the need to see and taste her.

Joining, he started to pull her legs apart. She was completely exposed, totally naked in front of him, her stern, dangerous mate, a powerful man who had always intimidated her and obsessed with her in equal measure.

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