Chapter 4

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"Babe, do you want to go into work together?" You hear her voice call out to you from the bathroom. You practically sprint to the bathroom to make sure you heard her right.

"You mean like- together together?" She looks at you through the mirror - a smile creeping on her face.

"Together together. Everyone knows about us, so I don't see the big deal if we walked in together," she shrugs as she continues to put on her makeup, putting extra on your mark since the hickeys haven't died down. Your natural instincts don't like it. You would rather her display them so everyone knows that she's yours. But you silence those feelings as her belly is the biggest indicator of them all.

"Baby, you've just made my morning," you step forward and bring your arms around her. You place a tender kiss on her shoulder, before resting your head in the same spot.

"Love you too, Babe. Now get off so I can finish getting dressed," she gently pushes you off of her and out of the bathroom. You continue to put on your clothes. Going for the dark grey suit and powder blue button up you left at her house in case of emergencies. As you button up your wrists you hear a shriek come from the bedroom. You rush back to see Coco on her bed with tears threatening to come down.

"What's the matter?" You bend down until your knee is on the floor. You place your hand on her knee. Her head is hanging low as she sniffles.

"Stu- stupid skirt. Doesn't fit! I'm fat!" She whines, crossing her arms like a child.

"First of all, that's not true and second of all, don't say that word I don't like it," you gently warn her.

"But it's true, it's not just my stomach, its my boobs, and hips and arms and face. Everything is just wrong. I can't wear what I want and I'm hungry all the time. But this fucking diet doesn't let me have what I want. And even with the diet, I'm still so fat!" You stand up abruptly and grab her arm pulling her up and bringing her to face her full-length mirror. She tries to walk away from it but you keep a tight hold on her. She keeps her face turned away from the mirror until you take one of your hands and grab her chin, forcing her to look at herself.

"What do you see?" you speak lowly with just a touch of malice.

"Me," she whispers back.

"You know what I see?" She looks at you in the mirror shaking her head no, as you start to grope various parts of her body - happy that marks are still present on the rest of her.

"I see, a beautiful woman. A woman who is changing to give me the greatest gift in the world. A woman who is so strong that only she could make this possible. Have you even noticed your smell lately?" You take in a deep breath, before continuing. "I thought you smelled good before- like that time I went into your office, or at the club when we danced together," her eyes go wide as your last statement registers. You lick her earlobe as you continue, "That's right Coco. It took awhile for me to notice, but eventually, I figured it out - that you were aching for a dick to fill you up. I just wasn't sure if it was me or just you in general. But now, your scent is so much heavier and sweeter," you take another deep breath in before blowing it out sending her skin to break out in goosebumps on her neck.

"I do?" she asks breathily as her eyes become hooded.

"Mmhmm. It's fucking delicious baby. And yes, you are getting bigger but I like that. It gives me more to play with," her breath hitches as she relaxes into your hold.

"Who loves you, baby?" you growl out.

"You," she quietly moans.

"Good. Now bend over and receive your punishment," you command in a deadpan voice. She attempts to turn her body around but you hold her still.

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