Chapter 12

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You stroll into work Monday morning with a gentle smile to the passersby. Very quickly Natalie comes towards you with a cold cup of iced coffee. "Good morning Boss. It's great to have you back. Here's your coffee and updated paperwork," she hands you the manila envelope first and then the coffee, which you take a big sip from. "Also, Human Resources sent you a reminder about filling out your maternity leave documents as soon as possible." You both walk into your office and she takes the items from your hands so you can shirk off your coat and hang it up on the coat rack. She smoothly hands them back to you as you settle into your desk. Natalie quietly opens up the blinds in your office that face the nearby building while the indoor blinds that face the hallway are adjusted to show some of the office.

"Is there anything else you'll be needing, Boss?" Natalie stands at perfect attention with her hands held behind her back.

"No, that'll be all Natalie," she turns on her heel to leave but you call out her name. "Ma'am?"

"Thank you for discretion during my absence, and also for telling him my parents address," you smirk softly which she returns.

"No worries, I'm glad I could help." She responds back before exiting your office. You crack your knuckles and your neck before diving into the workload of pushed meetings, emails and various other tasks you couldn't handle at your parents' place. Slowly but surely, you find your rhythm and knock out the phone calls first, the emails second and lastly reschedule meetings. The work phone on your desk lights up and you pick up the receiver.

"Boss, it's 2pm. It's time for your lunch break. Would you like me to order something for you?" Natalie asks with a rustle of papers in the background overlapping her question.

"No, that won't be necessary. Yuta and I will be having lunch together. Just let me know when he gets here. Okay?"

"Sure thing. Goodbye." She cheerfully adds.

"Bye." You put the receiver back on the cradle and let out a deep breath. You hadn't realized time was moving so fast. You attempt to lean back in your chair, but find your leather seat is a little too stiff so you carefully get up and attempt to fix the chair so it allows for better leaning. You bend down and quickly find the knob that controls the incline of the seat. You start to loosen the back slowly. After a few turns you get it to a suitable angle. You rise to an upright position and feel the room sway. You stumble just a bit before grabbing onto the table to steady yourself. However, it's not enough and your vision blurs until there's nothing in front of you but blackness.

"Baby! Baby wake up! Shit, she's not responding. What are they saying?!" You can make out a familiar male voice but everything feels and sounds hazy.

"They'll be here in five minutes." Another voice, this time a woman, responds to the earlier question.

You try to tell yourself to move but your body feels so heavy. So you tell yourself to at least open your eyes instead. It takes some effort but you manage to open them.

"Yuta, her eyes! She's awake!" Now that your eyes are open you can see that it's Natalie and Yuta in your office and your body is being cradled by him. You try to move forward but he tightens his grip.

"Don't move okay? Paramedics are on the way." He sternly informs you.

"Wait, what? What the hell is going on?" You ask genuinely confused.

"You fainted, Boss." Natalie says with a hint of concern.

"Not only that. You hit your head." Yuta says something else in his language that you can't make out but given his scent he's not happy. Your mind seems to be catching up as the pain from the supposed fall is starting to kick in. Thankfully, the paramedics arrive and begin to run a slew of on hand tests. They ask you questions but you find it hard to respond to all of them so Yuta fills in the blanks.

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