Chapter 11

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You are sleeping soundly until you hear a few taps on your bedroom door. No one opens the door.

"You two. Breakfast is ready. Come. Now." Your father's voice resonates through the door.

"Shit, he sounds pissed," you mumble as Yuta begins to stir next to you. "Come on Baby. We gotta get down there before he comes back up here, and trust me, we don't want that," you inform him. He sleepily nods his head as he clumsily rolls out of the bed and onto the nest. He stretches and yawns before wiping his eyes and standing upright. Your eyes wander to his morning wood. He catches you staring before he moves towards you with his hands extended so you can grab them. With a gentle tug, you are standing up as he wraps his arms around you and breathes deeply. You stand there and feel the warmth of his chest as he nuzzles your hair. His member is surprisingly going down despite the skin-to-skin contact.

"Here let me help you," he says gravely. He grabs your discarded shorts and helps you put one leg in at a time. Next, he retrieves your father's hoodie. He bunches it up in his hand but you stop him.

"I wanna wear your hoodie," you say quietly. He smiles softly and finds the "hoodie turned pillowcase" and swiftly pulls the item off and tosses the pillow on the bed. He carefully places it over your head and tugs it straight as your belly fills in the gap. A satisfied growl comes from him and you could feel yourself turning red in the ears. As for himself, he quickly puts on his undershirt, boxers, and pants before taking your hand and heading to the dining room. The food smells amazing with each step. The baby must sense it because it's moving around like crazy.

He pulls out your chair and you sit down thanking him. He sits beside you as your mom and dad enter from the kitchen with plates of delicious food already on them. It's been days since you felt this hungry, but now your hunger has come back with a vengeance. You take a sip of the already filled glass of water to quell your stomach. Your mom kisses you on the top of your head and places the plate in front of you. Your dad gives Yuta his plate with an unreadable expression. The tension is high but your mom -- as cool as ever -- instructs everyone to eat. So, you all do just that. Your favorite dishes are being absolutely demolished by you. You ask for not only seconds but a small third as well. As the food slowly leaves the table your dad clears his throat.

"Yuta, what was the one thing I told you when it came to my daughter?" Your father looks directly at him and if he were Superman there would be a smoking hole where his eyeballs used to be. Yuta takes a deep breath and responds.

"Not to hurt your daughter," he says through a slightly clenched jaw.

"And what did you do?" Your father's eyes are darkening. A tell-tale sign that his Alpha wants to take control.

"I hurt her, Sir" he glances at you with a look that makes your chest tighten in anxiety. The tension is thick and it's making you feel nauseous.

"So please tell me what you expect me to do? Because I can tell YOU what's on my mind right now. I wanna throw your skinny little ass out of here and take her to the doctor to have your mate mark removed," he growls out causing you to gasp in horror.

"Dad no!" Your eyes immediately turn blue as fear and anger well up inside you.

Legally your father could petition for it. You and Yuta aren't married so he could argue saying the mark is detrimental to you and the baby, and therefore it should be removed.

When scientists discovered how to reverse mate marks it was controversial and was illegal for quite some time. Conservative ABOs believed it was undermining what mate marking represented. But in truth, it gave power back to Omegas. It was common that accidental markings happened, and it usually happened to Omegas. Whether they were caught in the haze of a heat or an Alpha in their rut many people found themselves mated to people they didn't actually love let alone like.

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