Chapter 15

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'Yuta! What happened?! Where's my baby?! I want my baby!!!'

Adrenaline courses through your body with breakneck speed. An audible beeping sound picks up in it's pace while Yuta grabs your hand. Again, you notice the pain in your hand as he holds it.

The Doctor - whose name tag you can now see more clearly - Phillips, moves closer. "Please try to remain calm. I can explain everything to you," she requests matter-of-factly. However, you are already anxious and paranoid and don't want to cooperate. You completely ignore their request and turn your attention to Yuta instead. You squeeze Yuta's hand and ask again.

"Yuta, please tell me where the baby is. Are they okay? Why are you crying?" Wh-" before you can continue your barrage of questions Doctor Phillips interjects sternly.

"Ma'am, your baby is fine. She was born at 6:23am on November 22nd. She weighed a healthy 6 pounds 11 ounces with all her extremities in perfect working order." As the Doctor finishes her statement, thoughts roll around in your mind.

Girl? I have a daughter? I have a daughter.

"I have a little girl?" you ask in disbelief.

"Yes, you do and she's quite the cutie. All the nurses were smitten with her. We don't get a lot of fated babies." Doctor Phillips smiles warmly as she observes your heart rate monitor which has quieted down significantly.

"So", you turn your head to Yuta, "why are you crying?" Yuta's head is face down in your bedsheets when you place your hand on his hand. You notice his hair is oilier than usual.

"Unfortunately, there were complications with you. Ma'am, you've been in a coma for 17 days. During your delivery, you suffered a stroke. When you started exhibiting signs of a stroke we had to act quickly. Our priority was your daughter so we got her out safely. Your mate has been by your side every day since then." You sit in silence for a good while as you come to terms with what you've just been told.

A stroke? How is that possible? I've been so good. I- you notice that you feel alone. Your inner Omega is suspiciously absent.

"Doctor, my inner Omega...I can't feel her."

"Yes, we will have to go through some tests to see how your body was affected. Also, have you not been able to feel this?" You look down to see Doctor Phillips jabbing your foot with the back end of her pen. Your eyes bulge as you reply "No." Sensing your anxiety she places her hand on your shin "It's gonna be okay. For now, I'll leave you to your mate." You nod your head and watch as she exits the room.

"Yuta?" No response.

"Baby?" Still no response.

"Alpha?" He curls in on himself more. Before slightly raising his head to say, "Don't. D-don't call me Al- alpha. I don't deserve that title." His eyes are so red and he looks like he's aged several years. You want to take him in your arms and hug him but you simply have no strength to do so.

"Alpha, talk to me. What's going on with you?" You wait as he collects himself.

"This- it's all my fault. I made you come here. I let them put you under. I- I almost lost you. It all happened so fast. At first everything was fine. Since you were asleep, they moved me to a viewing room where I could watch the operation. I saw them take our pup out of your belly and present it to me from behind the glass. She- she's so beautiful and then she began to cry hysterically. I tried to get into the room but they cut me off. And then all hell broke loose. I could hear monitors going off, Doctors saying words and phrases I didn't understand. All I wanted was to be by your side, but one of the doctors brought our daughter to me and I knew I had to take care of her. They assured me nothing was wrong, but I knew that wasn't true. It was hours later when they told me what had occurred. I- I wasn't there to protect you. A blood clot formed and you suffered a stroke. You were alone, fighting to stay alive and I was here unable to help. Unable to do anything. A real alpha doesn't do that. A real Alpha would've listened to his mate instead of-" you cut him off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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