Chapter 14

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It's only a matter of seconds before Yuta rushes into the bedroom to see you slowly taking off your sleep shirt and putting on one of your more worn out cami's. Just a few paces behind him is your mother. When your mom takes in your state you can see her excitement stretch across her face.

"Okay, what do you need us to do?" Your mom stands at attention while Yuta is quiet and acknowledging.

"Is the birthing tub ready?" You say with slight difficulty.

"Your father is filling it up as we speak. Do you need me to call your midwife?" Yuta sees that you are gingerly trying to put on your cover-up. He helps you very carefully.

"Yes please, oh and call my girls I can use their support," you grimace as a twinge lights up your lower back.

"Got it. Yuta, get her downstairs and into the tub," Yuta bends down and waits for you to wrap your arms around his shoulders, before he slowly guides you down the stairs. Unlike yesterday where you were feeling vulnerable, this time you are glad to be in his arms. A sad whimper leaves you as you know what's to come.

"I know baby, I know. We're almost there." His voice is strong and sure. You allow yourself to get lost in it. Yuta sets you down near the tub. You were hoping to see steam coming from the water but instead you feel it's just warm. Regardless, you can't wait to submerge yourself. Your father doesn't bat an eye to your half naked form and you are too preoccupied to care as you take a step into the tub. Yuta keeps a firm hold as you descend into the water. As soon as you are fully submerged you extend your neck so your head becomes cradled by your hands.

You let your eyes slip close and just listen quietly. You can hear and smell your family moving around the house but you focus on your breathing and the sound of the water moving gently back and forth. Yuta, your mom and your dad are knowingly giving you space while being nearby. It's a welcome gift. A gentle touch on your head makes you open your eyes.

"I called your friends honey. They're on their way, so is the midwife," she speaks softly to you. Your eyes water up and she naturally gives you a warm hug. Her scent is flooding your senses and you whine. She shushes you playfully. "Don't go whining now after you've done the deed. You're gonna have to wolf up for this task." Your signature pout takes over your face before she steps away and sits on the floor near the tub. Your father is sitting in a lazy boy that Yuta insisted upon buying for the house. Which you knew was code for he wanted a lazy boy. Yuta comes into the room and notices your father sitting in his chair. His jaw clenches but he unhinges it quickly. Your father pretends to be oblivious to this action. Instead, Yuta decides to get on his knees and move closer to you.

He reaches into the water and starts massaging your lower back. His hands are doing great but you are still in the early stages, you know it's gonna be an uphill battle. You feel so grateful and happy that he is helping you. A richer scent leaves your body and wafts into his direction, Yuta pauses for a second before leaning close to your ear and whispering. "Behave yourself Coco. I'm not trying to show your dad who's really your daddy." He kisses the side of your temple before going back to his previous task. You're thankful the water is warm because you can feel how red your face is. As you sit in the water you try not to focus on the slow surges of cramps that hit you. Truthfully, it doesn't feel that different from your average period. Currently, the most annoying part is the constipated feeling you are dealing with. Yuta does not stop rubbing your back and saying soothing and positive statements to you. The constant reinforcement makes you feel emotionally squishy.

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