Chapter 10

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You feel cold.

It's not a normal cold either. It's a chill that has you layered up in multiple clothes. You reach for your mug of chamomile tea but are upset to find it empty. However, like it's almost on cue, your mom walks in with a fresh bowl of watermelon and tea. You poke your head out of the mega sized burrito and gratefully take the tea. You sip quietly as your mom pats your head gently.

You lean into her hand without thinking. It's one of the things that makes your mom -objectively- the best mom in the world. She knows when to pry and when not too. So when you called her at 6:45 in the morning after the argument to come and get you she didn't ask any questions. She immediately came. You felt guilty that her first time being in your new home would be under these circumstances, but it couldn't be helped. You were so damn sick that you couldn't pack bags let alone drive to their house.

You place your mug down as your mom enters your nest. She positions herself behind you as she continues to provide you with her soothing Alpha pheromones. You rub your belly to keep the baby from stirring. Since your argument you've been miserable. It takes every trick in the book to not throw up your entire life. You've been eating watermelon like it's going out of style, you turned on your space heater to keep your nest even warmer and the hoodie...his hoodie is now being used as a pillow slip to sleep on. As you sit in quiet contemplation your mom speaks up.

"Honey, you know you need to tell me what happened. Your father is going nuts not being able to help you." She sighs out.

You take a deep breath as you recall the events.

"Mama, he used his Alpha voice on me," you say quietly. You can feel your mom tense behind you. A waft of caramel whips around the room before it settles. You know she's mad but she doesn't respond right away. It's common knowledge that in modern ABO society an Alpha using their voice against an Omega is seen as socially unacceptable. It harkens back to our less civilized selves.

"Why would he do that?" She asks with annoyance lacing her otherwise stoic demeanor.

"He had gone out drinking with friends, and when he got home, we got into a huge fight about so many different things. He was mad that I didn't tell him I was one of the people who would decide on his raise. I was mad that he didn't stand up for me against his mother. Oh by the way she doesn't like me. And as the argument pressed on he said some childish things that made me lash out and before I knew it he told me to shut up in Alpha voice. Mom, the way my mind just went blank. I couldn't fight his will but once the command passed I just felt so much anger and hurt. He made me feel like how those assholes at work do," you sniffle that last part out as the memory stirs up your inner Omega.

Your mom sighs as she shakes her head in understanding. "No wonder my baby is so upset," she kisses the top of your head and you have to keep yourself from whining in appreciation. "As much as I love getting the chance to bond with you, I need to know what your next move is. You know me and your father will do whatever you ask of us. But I gotta ask, have you spoken to him at all since you've been here?" She asks gently. You turn your eyes down in shame as you shake your head no.

"Honey, he's the father of your baby. You still need to talk to him," you groan in annoyance while rolling your eyes.

"Hey, no back talk," she tells you while flicking your forehead softly.

"Ow," you rub the spot instinctively.

The first day it was impossible to avoid him. Once 9am rolled around your phone started to chime because of Yuta. He was calling every 15 minutes and in between those 15 minutes he was texting every five. You had countless voicemails that ranged from sadness, frustration, desperation and defeat. You knew he wouldn't stop if your phone remained on so you contacted Natalie to ensure there were no important meetings coming up so you could take the time off. Given the fact you were pregnant no one questioned it and you had amassed so much sick time you figured they were probably happy to see you out of the office. Natalie knew your parents house number so if something was urgent she could reach you.

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