Chapter 6

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Hello!! Sorry I haven't uploaded. I don't know if this chapter will be long. It was 10 pages in my notebook, so I really hope it's long. Also, I wanted to say THANK YOU to all you great fans that got me on the first page of whats hot! When I saw I was there I was screaming! I even clapped my hands and told my sister. Haha, all she said was 'oh' can you believe it??'s chapter 6!


I'd like to dedicat this to TWO PEOPLE! BlackAbissMoon for giving me the name and AlexNoThoughts for giving me the idea first!

"No!" Allen crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at me.

I finally had asked him if I could stay the night here. At first I thought that he might agree because Michelle was there, but all I got was a big fat 'No'.

"Why?" I shinned. I know how much Allen hates it when someone whinnes, but right now I don't care what he hates or likes. I'm sure Michelle is in the like category.

"You can't stay in a house full of wolves. They might attack you, or worst, kill you."

"I won't let anything happen to her." Michelle said.

Allen turned to her and his face soften. You go girl! One point for Michelle, zero for Allen. Boys. They think they're all tough and everything, when they don't realize that a girl can change them so easily. Maybe I should ask him right now that he's distracted by Michelle.

"Can I stay?" I asked.

Allen turned back to me confused. He had that kind of look people have after being hyptnotized (that's how you spell it?) "What?"

He was too distracted. Damn, I'll have to try again.

"Can I please stay?" I made my best puppy dog look. Hehe, dog--here I go again with the dog thoughts. I think David is contagious. I mentally shook my head. Amazing how I could think about something else when I'm trying to convince Allen. I got to stop doing that. Okay, concentrate on mission 24; convince Allen.

Allen stared at me for a minute. "No?"

Ha! Beat that John! I can also make the face.


"Please?" Michelle joined in, making the cutest face ever. Now I can see how John and her are alike.

Allen sighed defeated. "Fine."

A point for the Slene and Michelle team!

I hugged Allen. "You're the best overprotected, annoying, easy to convince--"

"Okay! I get it!" said Allen annoyed.

"--big brother." I finished. I pulled away and looked up at Allen.

He smiled at me. "And you are the best annoying, immature, stubborn, whining--"

"I get it!" I cut him of.

"Little sister." he finished.

I laughed a little and gave him another hug. "You really are the best big brother."

"And you are the best little sister." he kissed my forehead.

"What about us?" asked an annoying voice. I let go of Allen to look behind me. David and Vanessa were standing a couple of feet away from us.

"Come here Vanessa," I said. She came jogging to us and hugged me and Allen.

"Ahen." David cleared his throat.

"Do you guys hear something?"

"Haha, very funny Selene," said David, annoyed.

I grinned. "Im just kidding. Come here David, come here boy." The last part I said as if I was calling a dog.

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