Chapter 40

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Hearing her name being called, Kagome started to stir. Slowly she opened her eyes. When her sapphire eyes meant her mother's chocolate gaze, a grin spread on Kagome's lips. It was nice to wake up to see her mother's smiling face. As Kagome contained gazing at her mother, memories from last night gradually resurfaced in her mind. 

Kagome momentarily closed her eyes and slightly shook her head, trying to sort out her messy memories. Feeling groggy, Kagome took a moment to collect her thoughts. She began to question who it was she was talking to in her dream. Kagome mentally sighed, why did she have to wake up at such a critical moment? The man was about to tell her who he was. Wait, why did she think he was a man? And why was his silhouette, enveloped in darkness, so familiar? Who could this be? Yuki? No, so far all of her dreams about Yuki have been memories of him. Then, could this be another memory? No. In this dream she did not feel like she was reliving anything, it was more spontaneous. It was like she was having a conversation with someone in real-time. 

"Kagome?" her mother called, successfully interrupting Kagome's train of thought. 

"Yeah, Mama?" Kagome replied looking back to her mother. 

Mrs. Higurashi smiled, "Breakfast is ready. You know the drill, get down before Souta and Gi-chan eat everything." 

"Okay, I'll be down in a bit after getting ready for school," Kagome answered. 

"Are you sure you're ready to go to school?" Mrs. Higurashi worried. 

Kagome nodded her head, "Yeah, I guess the doctor was right, all I needed was rest. I feel great now." 

Mrs. Higurashi was unsure if she should let her daughter got to school only after one day of rest. The doctor said she needed to rest for a couple of days. She might get overwhelmed from all the school work that has been pilling up for her at her teacher's desk. She might overexert herself during her fitness class. She might even collapse again. Truly, she wanted Kagome to stay home for at least another day. But knowing her, and seeing how Kagome does seem much better than yesterday, Mrs. Higurashi decided to let Kagome go to school. 

"Just remember to be careful to not overexert yourself," Mrs. Higurashi said as she got off of Kagome's bed. 


I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Tell me what you think of the chapter in the comments below. Thanks for reading. 

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