Ch. 23 Bracing Herself

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Previously, Kagome, once again, reassured herself she was going to give up on fighting Kikyo for Inuyasha's hand while Naraku concluded his change of character is because of the Sacred Jewel. 



Even from a long distance, Kagome was still able to hear Inuyasha yell her name. Kagome already had an idea of how worried Inuyasha would have been, but she was still not looking forward to him bombarding her with questions on where and why she was out for the whole night. 

As she kept steadily walking towards him, she was mentally going over what she should tell him when he asks her what happened to her last night. 

Well, let's see, I went out to look for you, but instead got an eyeful of something I never asked for. I ended up seeing you and Kikyo confessing your love for each other and as a bonus, kissing. 

Kagome stopped walking and sighed at her own sarcasm. 

Of course, I can't say that to him...

Bracing herself for all the questions Inuyasha could throw at her, Kagome continued walking. 


Author's Note: Thank you for reading! "Naraku Rewrites The Stars" has finally hit 5000 reads! Please! Thank you every single one of you! Sorry, this is so short. I just really wanted to post something this week. Please, give me feedback on my work! Good! Bad! Or even grammar corrections! I'd really appreciate it!

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