Ch. 33 Remembering Him

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Previously, Kagome took a bath.


Kagome looked behind her shoulder as she kept running. Seeing three girls and two boys still hot on her trail, she did not dare stop running. If she stopped running, she knew, she was in for a lot of pain, whether it was through the beatings from the boys or verbal abuse from the girls.

As her legs burned from her continuous running, she could not help feeling anger and sadness towards her bullies. What did she ever do to them? Why did they despise her so much? Kagome could not comprehend why or how, but ever since she started preschool there would always be a group of kids who did not like her. In the beginning, she did not mind them. All they ever did was glare and avoid her, nothing drastic. She did not even think it was worth mentioning to her teachers or her Mama and Papa because they seemed so harmless at the time. However, as they entered elementary school, their hard glares and avoidance towards her, gradually became snark remarks and pushes to the ground. Not wanting to cause trouble for her teachers or parents, she decided it was best for her to grit her teeth and deal with their harassment.

A frown began appearing on Kagome's face. How stupid was she? Trouble for her teachers? Maybe. But her Mama and Papa? Never. Mama and Papa always asked her about the bruises on her knees, asking her if she had fallen on her own or if someone had pushed her. And of course, she would always say she had fallen on her own, due to her clumsiness. Even when they pressed her about whether she was being bullied at school by the other kids, she would lie. Kagome would say, everyone was very nice to her and they had nothing to worry about.

Kagome eyebrows scowled, Nothing to worry about?

If only she knew, saying, that would make them more concerned, especially, her Papa. That was why, he got into his car and drove to her school, ready, to talk to her teacher about whether she was being bullied, that morning. That was why, he was at the wrong place at the wrong time, that morning. That was why, he died in a car accident, that morning.

If only I had told them of the truth. If only I had told Papa the truth... Maybe, he wouldn't have gotten into that car accident. Maybe he'd still be alive.

While Kagome was busying with her thoughts, she did not notice the figure standing a few feet in front of her. Not realizing she was about to run into them, she ran into them. When her body crashed into the innocent bystander, she closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, bracing herself for the pain of falling to the ground. Yet, the pain never came.

All she felt was warmth surround her. Before she had fallen back into the ground, the bystander she had crashed into, caught her. Oddly feeling a familiar sense of security in their embrace, Kagome started opening her eyes to see who was the one she crashed into and subsequently, had her in their arms.

It took her sapphire eyes a couple of moments to take in the face of the boy holding her, but when they did, her heart mysteriously leaped with joy.

All in one moment, the fog in her mind was lifted. The boy's face became clear and she was able to remember his name.

"Yuki?" Kagome uttered in question.

Yuki smiled, "Now, where is my little Chatterbox running off to?"


Author's Note: I hope you liked the chapter. Please, give me feedback on my work! Good! Bad! Or even grammar corrections! I'd really appreciate it! See you next week.

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