Ch. 19 Little Chatterbox

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Previously, Kagome started crying over the loss of her father and meets a boy with two different colored eyes.


Kagome could not help but stare at the boy's eyes.

They're so... pretty. One's a deep red and the other is a dark blue, wait, more like a dark turquoise.

After some moments of waiting for Kagome to say something resulting in no results, the boy realized she was too distracted by his eyes to say anything.

"Did your mom never teach you it's impolite to stare at people so openly," he said to call her back to reality.

Realizing her mistake, on reflex, Kagome bowed her head and started apologizing, "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to. It's just that your eyes are so pretty..." and finishing with a voice, only above a whisper.

A gleam of amusement passed through the boy's eyes.

Whether it's then or now I guess you really do love staring at me, the boy mentally mused to himself, witnessing Kagome apologize for staring at him.

The boy bent down so he was eye level with Kagome, slightly tilted his head, then asked, "How are my eyes pretty," with a small grin on his face.

How are they pretty? Kagome replied in her head, but out loud she started to ramble.

"Isn't it obvious? Your right one is such a shiny red, it reminds me of gemstone Mama showed me one time. Well, not the actual stone but a picture of it. I just can't remember the name. Oh, and your left is such a dark turquoise just the perfect balance of blue and green. Like, when the forest meat the ocean. I can keep staring at your eyes forever and I bet I'd never get bored."

Instead of being annoyed or confused by her lengthy rambling the boy was quite relieved to see his companion was no longer wallowing in her despair and tears, but happily thinking out loud of why she thinks his eyes are pretty.

As he kept gazing at her with silent longing he absentmindedly commented, "You really are a chatterbox, aren't you?"

Which proved to be a mistake because the moment Kagome processed his words tears started falling from her eyes once again.

Instantaneously, filled with confusion and guilt for being the reason Kagome was once again a crying mess, he did the thing he thought was most effective to cheer her up. He hugged her with all the love and care he could muster.

As he held her, he kept rubbing circles on her back while repeating, "I'm right here, everything is going to be okay."

After a couple of moments, to the best of her capability and between hiccups Kagome explained, "No, everything's not gonna be okay! Papa's not here! Papa used to call me his Little Chatterbox all the time, but now he's not here to call me that anymore..."

Being quick on his feet the boy replied, "Then I will."

Not understanding what the boy meant Kagome lifted her head from his shoulder, looked into his eyes and asked for clarification.

"What I mean is from now on you'll be my Little Chatterbox," he confidently said as he looked into Kagome still teary eyes.

"But you're, not Daddy," Kagome sadly countered.

"But I'm here. And I'm never leaving," the boy said as he kept Kagome in his embrace.


Authors Note: Please! Please, give me feedback on my work! Was it good?! Or bad?! Any grammar corrections?! I'd really appreciate it! Vote. Comment. Share.

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