Ch. 4 Inuyasha's Answer

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Previously, Kikyo was able, to be honest with Inuyasha and confess how she truly felt as of late.


With each step Inuyasha took, Kikyo was beginning to lose herself in his eyes. So, before she knew it, Inuyasha was right in front of her and within arms reach.

"Inuyasha what areー"

Before she could finish her question, Inuyasha pulled her into his embrace.

At first, Kikyo was too shocked to comprehend what happened. A few moments later when she finally found her senses, her mind strictly lectured her that she needed to get away from Inuyasha. However, her clay body and heart longingly told her otherwise.

Her body enjoyed Inuyasha's warmth and her heart wanted to stay within his arms for all eternity.

The only thing Kikyo could muster was, "I know I smell like death and clay, Inuyasha. You do not have to force yourself..." As if her very own word had done her in, Kikyo couldn't keep her calm facade in place any longer. Within seconds she broke down in Inuyasha's arms. Her face was red as a tomato and identical rivers of tears ran down her cheeks.

The tears she was shedding demanded attention and attention they were given, by Inuyasha. Inuyasha being half dog demon, began nuzzling Kikyo's neck as his way of comforting her without words.

Kikyo not wanting to completely give into her wanting of Inuyasha's comfort tried to once again get out of Inuyasha loving embrace. Through sniffles, she managed to futilely resist.

"Inuyasha let me go. Please, I cannot take this anymore."

Inuyasha never budged.

If anything really, his embrace became a tad bit tighter and his previously gentle nuzzling slowly escalated into suttle licking and nibbling. Kikyo, because she was too distracted by the negative emotions running wild in her heart, didn't notice this change.

Before he crossed the line, Inuyasha moved his head away from Kikyo's now pinkish and reddish neck from his suckling. When he moved away from Kikyo's neck he couldn't help but notice his own handy work.

Kikyo's skin is really pale... I only licked her neck for a bit and it's already so red.

He then used his forehead to nudge Kikyo.

"Kikyo look at me," he gently commanded.

Kikyo shook her head and muttered, "No."

Inuyasha sighed, "Kikyo if you don't look at me I'll... I'll kiss you."

Hearing Inuyasha's bold statement and knowing fully well that he would follow through, Kikyo against her logical judgment did not look at him.

Inuyasha seeing Kikyo not looking at him began to blush.

Kikyo I'm serious... If you don't look up at me. I'll take that as you saying you want me to kiss you... and I'll really do it. I mean it! I'll give you 3 seconds... 1... 2... 2 and a half... 2 and a quarter... 3.

On three, Inuyasha moved his head lower and his lips closer to Kikyo's lips. Kikyo's eyes had been closed since she started crying, but the moment Inuyasha's lip was pressed onto her lips her eyes instantly open. To her surprise, Inuyasha eyes were still open.

He was still waiting for her to look at him.

The moment Inuyasha registered Kikyo's chocolate brown eyes were looking at him, his previously extinguished flame of arousal from suckling her neck earlier was, reignited.

Inuyasha already molten golden eyes started to glaze over and he started to pick up the pace of their kiss. Inuyasha started nibbling Kikyo's bottom lip. Kikyo understanding what he was asking for, opened her mouth for him to enter. Inuyasha proceeded to explore every crevice of Kikyo's moist haven of a mouth and before he knew it, his eyes closed which lead Kikyo to close her's.

Kikyo was right that she does smell of death and clay, but she still smells like Kikyo. She still smells like lavender and a rainy day and... from the way she smells to the way she's so stubborn, she's still the Kikyo I love. I still love you, Kikyo...

Feeling the need to tell Kikyo his feelings, Inuyasha broke their kiss and proceeded to slowly pull away from her. Then, he pressed his forehead against her forehead.

In a peaceful and husky voice he began chanting, "Kikyo, I love you. I love you. I love you. I loveー"

Before he could finish his declaration of his love, Kikyo had placed her right hand over his mouth. With a slight blush on her cheeks, Kikyo looked into his now opened eyes.

"Enough Inuyasha... I understand you love me," she said with a bashful expression on her face.

Inuyasha hearing this started to feel immense joy. However, his joy was short lived because Kikyo sent spiked with sadness.

"Kikyo what's wrong?"

Kikyo started clinging onto Inuyasha, resting her head on his left shoulder making her face out of his view.

"Inuyasha I know you love me. But I also know... my reincarnation loves you. I know how she feels right now. She loves you with all her heart..."

Kikyo started looking into the distance where she knew Kagome was hiding.

This entire time Kikyo knew Kagome was there watching her and Inuyasha. Inuyasha's back had been turned towards Kagome and him was too preoccupied with Kikyo the entire time to notice Kagome's aura or scent, but Kikyo even through her emotional rollercoaster still sensed Kagome.

Kikyo and Kagome did share a soul after all.

Kikyo continued on with her confession all while looking right into Kagome's sapphire eyes.

"I know that if she were to see us like this she would be devastated and she might think that I am stealing you away from her... and she is not completely wrong. I do want to steal you away from her and have you all to myself because... I still love you, Inuyasha."

Inuyasha wanting to explain himself wanted to interrupt Kikyo, "Kikyoー"

However, he had another thing coming to him. Kikyo was not going to let him interrupt her this time, not when she was indirectly talking to Kagome as well. "Inuyasha let me finish... If I could say anything to my reincarnation at this moment I would want to tell her that..."

Kikyo with a breathtaking gloomy smile that only Kagome could see continued, "If you truly love Inuyasha and you are able to promise with your life that you are able to make him happy... I am willing to give him up to you..."

Inuyasha wanted to say something back to Kikyo, anything even! But he could not. He was reduced to having no words to say back to the woman in his arm.

While Kagome was stunned beyond belief.

This whole time you knew I was here didn't you? And what are you even saying? How could you just? How could I? Kikyo is this what you really want from me?

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